Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
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Anaconda ERS-09
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Operation Cupid - Update and Conclusions

14 Nov 2022Eeka
Hello commander,

This is the follow up of the research i've been doing in thargoid logograms and its possible relation to thargoid factions.

As previously explained, the thargoid race may be divided between two factions, Oresrians and Klaxxians that according to old lore are respectively pacific and hostile to humans. No known way to differentiate these factions have been found yet and Operation Cupid is an attempt to advance in this direction through observation of the thargoid logograms. More info about Cupid's objectives have been detailed here.

So far i managed to sample 67 logograms from Pleione, the vicinity of UIA's #1, #2 and #3, HIP 22460, all around California Nebula, Tekkeitjal's and Andecavi's CZs. These samples include all types of interceptors, scouts and barnacles.

The thargoid logogram is divided in 3 sections, outter ring, inner ring and core:

Image 1 - a clear view from the tree sections of a thargoid logogram directly imprinted in an interceptor's hull

Those can be visually spotted in the area above the interceptor's canopy, in the ship's target information panel and contacts panel after performing a xeno scan in the subject:

Image 2 - a closer look at the ship logogram

Image 3 - logogram in the ship's target information panel

Image 4 - logogram in the contacts panel

Thanks to the amazing work done by CMDRs Orodir, OliviaVespera and others we have a well documented database of known inner and outer ring patterns, that can be accessed here. With the help of this Glyph Tool, it's possible to assign a code to each logogram based on the combination of those patterns. The cyclops above is classified as a 2D-2.

No new logogram patterns have been found to this point in my research. The relation between the logograms and roles, jobs or outfiting of thargoids are being currently subject of CMDR Gamepro03's research thus will not be talked about here. We have been colaborating with each other's and i want to take the opportunity to formally express my gratitude for his help.

Given the wide variety of outer and inner ring combinations, i decided to focus my investigation mainly in the core component of the logogram, specially because the Glyph Tool shows a tilt of about 90° from the core markings i was documenting.

A remarkable moment of this research was the encounter i had with 3 cyclopses that, after scanning me, kept still and allowed me to take an in-depth look of their characteristics, ship features, movements, sounds and most astonishing of all, their heartbeats. Here you can find a detailed report of this encounter. The in-depth, close look at the cyclops can be watched as following:

This allowed me to take a close look at the logogram printed into the interceptor's hull, that revealed the core section is a different asset than the outer and inner rings:

Image 5 - Zoomed look at a 2D-2 logogram and its core.

As you can see, the core section is very distinguishable and doesn't seem to be printed into the hull like the rings but rather engraved into it. It also displays some white dots that are spread all around the core mark. Though i could not get such closer shot from other subjects, all three cyclops had identic white dot markings in their cores, as can be seen below.

Image 6 - Zoomed look at a 3A-2 logogram and its core.

Image 7 - Zoomed look at a 1A-3 logogram and its core.

Despite Cherub serving all her assignments satisfactorily, she was rendered obsolete since many performance limitations were identified in its capabilities, specially in hostile environments, such as low speed, lack of space for research instruments and defensive gear thus proving to be a hard to operate, complex to maintain platform during this research. A new ship was developed using the experience acquired with Cherub, giving life to Ikarus, that proved to be the perfect ship for the role, being able to collect data from hostile interceptors as well as tissue samples in a safe and reliable way.

Image 8 - RX Ikarus performing a visual logogram recognition of twin cyclopses in HIP 22460.

In two ocasions, HIP 22460 and California Nebula's hyperdictions, i encountered twin cyclopses, that is cyclopses in a two-ship formation with the same logogram.

Another unexpected encounter was in the California Nebula, where after being hyperdicted by a Medusa, it displayed an initially hostile behavior (deploying thargons) but proceeded to scan me anyways. After completing the scan it retrieved the thargons back and left the instance in a peaceful maner.

Image 9 - Onboard picture from a thargon-active medusa performing a ship scan on Ikarus.

No unexpected hostility was observed during the data collection. HIP 22460 subjects and its hyperdictions will always be hostile. Interceptors with scouts in the same instance will always be hostile. Hyperdictions in jumps into the systems that are nearest to the UIAs will have a small chance to be hostile.

Image 10 - Hostile Basilisk in UIA's #1 vicinity.

All raw data used as basis for this report is stored here and can be used by other researchers to help their own studies. This folder will be constantly updated as new samples are retrieved. Please remember to mention your references properly when using this material.


All hostile-on-sight interceptors had the same core markings than the passive ones, leading to the conclusion that the core element of the logogram is not determinant of their behavior thus neither their presumed factions.

All thargoids analyzed carried the same core markings, despite of their type and location.
Image 11 - Core marking on a thargoid barnacle.

No variation in the core marking rotation was observed across the different subjects and locations.

Thargoid hostility observed was not related to their location but rather situational. HIP 22460 is the only exception to this. There is no region of hostile thargoids so either their clans have the same behavior pattern or the clan/clans we managed to encounter so far are the pacifist ones.

All hydras observed displayed a *-10 logogram pattern, but more samples are required for further elaboration of theories.

Future Work

Time is running out as the UIAs get closer to the human bubble. In this context, RazorLabs believes that any effort towards better understanding the thargoids increases in value as the window tightens.

Commanders who seek to help in such endeavors could contact me directly to provide additional logogram samples, with original screenshots, time and date of the capture, location and behavior observed (hostility, passivity, hyperdiction, scanned probe and went away etc). This will help us build a larger and open database of logogram samples that can be used for further investigations by the community.

Additional researches could try to answer the following questions:
Does rings patterns combinations have any relation to thargoid location?
Does rings patterns combinations have any relation to thargoid behavior, including hostility or odd behaviors such as attacking on sight after a hyperdiction, threatening to attack and going passive afterwards, remaining indefinitely still after scanning a ship?
Does core markings white dots have any relation to constellation or stellar structures?
Are HIP 22460 logogram patterns different than other places?
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