Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
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Elite V
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Anaconda ERS-09
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Logbook entry

Report - Kingfisher's sad riddance

28 Nov 2022Eeka
Hello commanders,

Following the demise of the Kingfisher Megaship in the hands of UIA #11, our fleet was dispatched to the system Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 for reconnaissance and possible rescue operation. This is a report of our findings in the location.

We arrived a few hours after the UIA's attack. It was still present in the system:

Picture 1 - UIA #1 at 0.25ly from the main star.

The Megaship

The ship is completely destroyed. There's no chance of restablishing operation, not even temporarily.

Picture 2 - Kingfisher's wreckage at site arrival.

Given the thargoid-related environment, the RX Etain was used for the recon instead of regular recon vessels.

Picture 3 - RX Etain performing reconnaissance in the Kingfisher megaship.

Analysis on the ships modules revealed logs from Dr. Elias Pope relating their plans for the expedition and undesired turn of events.

It also revealed the presence of thargoid technology components:

Picture 4 - Kingfisher's cargo hold containing a thargoid probe.

Fortunately we also located a few active escape pods that were later retrieved by the HPS Rebirth. In total 35 pods were successfully rescued and the survivors are currently in the RSC MelRose's medical bay receiving the proper treatment.

Picture 5 - HPS Rebirth returning from a successful rescue incursion.

Given the current uncertain moment that is shadowing the human bubble's future, our fleet will not be risking an approach to deliver the Kingfisher's crew for now. They will be offered work slots in our own crew in the mean time should they wish to help us in our current thargoid research campaings.

Corrosion marks were observed all around the megaship's hull:

Pictures 6 - A large corrosion mark in the Kingfisher's hull.

The Surroudings

A debris field is surrounding the ship containing a few engineering materials and canisters. No thargoid material was observed.

Unexpected wreckage of alliance-lakon combat ships was also observed:

Pictures 7 and 8 - Remains of the left wing and thruster of an alliance-lakon ship.

A few hours after the attack on the Kingfisher, commanders started reporting hostile thargoid activity in the system.

We managed to register this activity as we arrived at the wreckage site once again. RX Etain was chased by 3 interceptors and many scouts (that couldn't keep up in normal flight but followed jumping out of witchspace constantly):

Pictures 9 and 10 - A Hydra, Medusa and Cyclops closely chasing RX Etain.

It is worth noting that hostile activity will be followed by dropping to normal flight at any location in the system. Commanders are advised to avoid this system or only visit it with respective preparation. Another note worth mentioning is that their hostile behavior was considered to be fiercer than HIP 22460's where only 2 interceptors or an interceptor and scouts are expected to chase. No passive damage to guardian modules was observed.

During the many incursions made in the Kingfisher's wreckage site, i also observed the presence of a Viper MK4 belonging to the United Hranit Liberty Party faction. The ship dropped from supercruise, flown by the wreckage and uppon detecting RX Etain it proceeded to manifest scan us. We were able to manifest scan it as well and it held no cargo. No communication from the pilot was made, he quickly jumped out of the system. Unfortunately we were not carrying wake scanner equipment thus we were unable to chase after him.

Pictures 11 and 12 - James Lock's encounter. No cargo detected.

Any help tracking down this faction and pilot would be appreciated.


We are saddened by the fate of the Kingfisher, its crew and the outcome of its mission. Any hope of peaceful diplomacy have been crushed into pieces by thargoids as they showed no intent to communicate.

Attempts to make peace with thargoids have either been inexistent, insignificant and after this episode, officially a failure.

Since the beginning of this crisis we supported the exploration of both fronts in thargoid conflict, that is research towards peace and weapon development. Although we still deem research efforts as valid, our inevitable option is war.

As such, we hope the Proteus Weapon can be finished in time so we can have chances to respond to this unknown, powerful and massive threat. Yet, we feel it's too late and many innocents will pay for this delay.

We advise all commanders to avoid the system in highlight, get your loved ones out to safe space and ready your weapons if you can fight.

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