Cmdr Eeka
Researcher / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Anaconda ERS-09
Overall assets

Logbook entry

How we name our ships

24 Dec 2022Eeka
Hello commander,

In this report, we'll share our methodology for ship naming, in hope to inspire other commanders to faithfully name their ships and also see them from a richer perspective.

RazorLabs is an organization that changed its focus over the time from space exploration to humanitarian aid, thanks to our ever-evolving mindset.

All knowledge and assets acquired started being redirected from the desire of one towards the purpose of bringing progress to mankind, either through research, defense, rescues, logistics etc. Independent commanders are a strong force in our galaxy and we are proud to use this force for the good and development of our species.

Our ships are not only tools of power and influence, but also entities. Each of them has their unique aura of though and spirit. There is no owner of the Universe and as such, they are not submitted to our will. Our creations gladly agree to take us into our objectives and we, as their pilots, are delighted to dive into their mental atmosphere, fusing as one, for we share the same purpose. Man, robot and vessel.

With this context in mind, it is now safe to explain we do not simply create ships but we materialize these entities and their ideals. Given the abstractness of the matter, oftenly musical references are the way that better expresses their individuality. Still, in many other cases an analogy with characters marked by similar ideas will also fit.

It's not a rule of thumb though. Each ship is unique and naming them is an each-case process.

Most of these entities are benevolent, with the exception of Archangel, though over the time we managed to redirect its lust for destruction towards protective roles. It should be mentioned that we have 21 ships in the current galaxy and 6 others operating from our second carrier in the Euclid galaxy.

We have an internal catalog of ship-ID, based on its current role and commissioning order. 'EV-04' Nefeli II is the 4th ship commissioned, as an Exploration Vessel. 'ERS-09' Orgun is the 9th ship of our fleet, in the Exploration and Research Ship role. Large-class vessels will be identified by a S of 'ship' instead of the V of smaller 'vessels'.

The ID is also applied for carriers, that will have only the RazorLabs Support Carrier designation, such as RSC MelRose.

We are happy with how our fleet evolved and what it evolved into, with our purpose, our goals and achievements. Despite the chaos we see everyday, both RSC Acheron and RSC MelRose are harbours of peace and good will, with serene crew and always good music playing in the background.

May your ships be one of the best companions throughout your commander career and that together you reach the farthest stars, conquer the hardest challenges!

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