Cmdr Magicka Venturer
Registered ship name
Screeching Maniac
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Dolphin MAG-57
Overall assets
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Letter to Mother

01 Dec 2020Magicka Venturer
Dec 1, 3306

Schweickart City, Parutis System, Federation.

Dear Mother,

I know we can hologram each other as usual but I have always wanted to send you someting physical. So this letter might be one of them.

How are things at Tau Ceti, is Pong doing ok? Wish I could bring him but I know that cat would much prefer a grounded environment. Beside, having him with you brought a bit of comfort to my mind. It has been two years and I miss your hug dearly.

I am sorry ma. I promised to come home this Christmas but situation changes and it did change fast. Both the Federation and Empire are doubling their effort to cut each other's throat yet again these recent weeks. I could feel the agitation in the air, in the hustling faces of the space truckers, and the tense atmosphere among the system's security force.

The good thing is conflict breeds opportunities. Fending off pirates for both sides soars my business as an independent pilot and my bank account has never seen a better day.

Yes ma, I understand our root in the Federation and how you despise the Empire's slavery. But in my eyes, their slaves and our "poor class" are only different in term of vocabulary. I can never forgive how the corporation strip away our sacred home just for some damned processing biowaste factory.

Anyway, let move on from the heavy topic. I met some of your old colleagues a few days ago! Lieutenant Jim invited us to the bar and he talked all about how popular you were back in the day. Without your fearsome flying skill and you healing beams, many would have perished and they owned you a great deal.

So maybe that's what I will do next, follow your footstep. I will build a supporting ship to save people rather than blowing them up. I will try to make us proud ma. Like you said, what we did will echo through billions of stars.

No, dont you recommend the Drop Ship. I hate it. Yes it was my childhood and our home for 11 years but that piece of brick ... Forget it! Right now I am setting my goal on the Clipper, such a beautiful bird and magnificent creature.

Take care will you ma, your knees aint what they used to be. Please excercise daily. I also send you some allowance so you can visit some "high-end" water world resorts as much as it please you now.

Ps. Among the attachment are 2 packages of Fuji tea, 5 Alya body soaps,  and a box of Kitten brand coffee.

Love, your most handsome son.
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