Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python MO-22P
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


15 Feb 2021MoonSeeker2020
My second day of travels in the far reaches of space included an attempt to freelance into the realm of bounty hunting. Initially unsuccessful due to the security and high traffic of the Eravate system, I returned to the nearest station to inquire about available cargo runs and stumbled into a bounty mission to take out a single pirate ship making life hard for traders travelling in the Ekonir system. With a little help from the Federal Navy ships in the area, I was able to complete the mission, along with a few trade/courier runs.

Russell Ring, Eravate-Left the terminal and headed out to the navigational beacon for the Eravate system. Upon arriving, the area was busy with the presence of both the Federal Navy and a few other commanders patrolling the route for pirate activity. Discovered a wanted criminal, Dillon, but with the heavy presence of ships, he didn't have chance once our firefight drew the attention of nearby ships. With the navigational beacon well covered, I headed to Cleve Hub, the nearest station to check on available jobs.

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Picked up a job to eliminate a single pirate vessel in the Ekonir system. When I arrived, I discovered the system was in the midst of a civil war. Headed to the navigational beacon and began my search. After a few minutes, I discovered a pirate in the area by the name of Lio. With help from the Federal Navy, Lio's ship was destroyed and I headed to the nearest station to collect the local bounty reward.

Morey Vision, Ekonir-Collected the local bounty on Lio and picked up a job to find Scrap and bring it back to the station. Left to head back to Cleve Hub and collect my bounty mission reward.

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Collected the mission bounty and bought Scrap to take back to Morey Vision.

Morey Vision, Ekonir-Delivered Scrap to the station. No legitimate jobs were available on checking, so I decided to return to LHS 3447 and Worlidge Terminal. After arriving in LHS 3447 and enroute to the station, I was the target of an attempted interdiction by D Raznin aka The Russian, but managed to escape the attempt.

Worlidge Terminal, LHS 3447-Picked up a job to haul Gallite to Tuan Oribtal in the Potriti system.

Tuan Orbital, Potriti-Delivered Gallite and picked up a job to haul Aluminum to Sylvester City in Eravate.

Sylvester City, Eravate-Delivered Aluminum and afterwards decided to call it a day and grab some much needed R & R.

'Nothing too serious, nothing too fun, I will do what must be done' -Pryce Covington
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