Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python MO-22P
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


15 Feb 2021MoonSeeker2020
Today was a red-letter day. Through my travels, trading, and bounty hunting, I made enough money to upgrade to a Cobra MKIII ship. I now have a little more cargo space and a little more firepower on the side to help with future adventures around the galaxy. I will admit that this was my first time experimenting with outfitting and I quickly discovered I didn't have enough power to run everything I'd outfitted to the ship, so I had to head back and refit with more basic internal and external components that normally come with this type of spacecraft. Lessons learned, but thankfully not one that adversely affected my wallet.

Fairbairn Station, LHS 3447-Bought Palladium to sell at Cleve Hub, Eravate

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Sold Palladium and picked up a job to Deliver Domestic Appliances to Wohler Terminal in Kremainn.

Alrai Sector MC-V B2-7-Explored System enroute to Kremainn.

Wohler Terminal, Kremainn-Delivered Domestic Appliances and picked up a job to deliver Mineral Extractors to Trevithick Dock, LHS 3447-Bought Mineral Extractors To Sell At Dalton Gateway, LHS 3447

Trevithick Dock, LHS 3447-Delivered Mineral Extractor

Dalton Gateway, LHS 3447-Sold Mineral Extractors and picked up a trade data courier run to Wolher Terminal in Kremainn as well as a job to haul Algae to Sylvester City

Sylvester City, Eravate-Delivered Algae, Picked up a job to haul Power Generators to Volta Station in Kremainn

Wohler Terminal, Kremainn-Delivered trade data

Volta Station, Kremainn-Delivered Power Generators before heading to a nearby resource extraction site to look for ships to collect bounties. Took out wanted outlaws Ruthless Raph, Lacey, Elisa, Roul, Valamex, Natalia Grigoyeva & Khanid

Wohler Terminal, Kremainn-Collected Bounties

Cleve Hub, Erevate-Bought a new Cobra MKIII and picked up two jobs: Eliminating a pirate from the corporate trade route in Chamunda and Hauling Clothing to Hartsfield Plant in Potriti

Chamunda-Eliminated a pirate vessel from the trade route.

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Collected pirate mission bounty.

Hartsfield Plant, Potriti-Delivered Clothing and then called it a day to rest and recharge for the next day's adventures.

'Nothing too serious, nothing too fun, I will do what must be done.' -Pryce Covington
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