Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
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Python MO-22P
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


29 May 2021MoonSeeker2020
I've never been one to keep a log. Paper trails always lead someone back to things they love to get stolen or broken. I've nothing left to break and nothing left to steal. My family was all killed in the last incursion of Denton Patreus into the a system he believed owed him money. Heh. Joke was on him. The people he loaned money to 'used' to be in government. Most of them ran off with the money they took. Now all he's done is piss people off. Namely me. I was a trader out on the fringes of Federation space for the longest. I started out in a pissy little Sidewinder. All I could afford at the time. I was lucky it even came with some loaned equipment to get her to fly. A few thousand credits my family left me that would have been a college fund. I spent them on a raggedy little fixer upper and started my new life out among the stars.

I couldn't believe my good fortune shortly after going out among the stars. I found a lucrative little trade route that not many people knew about. Even better when I met up with a small group of traders flying some Type-6 Lakon Haulers. I spent the next few years with them flying what little cargo I could. A few lucrative trips later had me in an upgraded Hauler. I thought I was riding in style then. Making more credits then than my parents had ever seen in their lives. The bgroup I had been flying with had even started a group trade contract where we each got paid 10% of each others profits by the people we sold to for bringing in even larger amounts in one haul. Within another good two years, I had found myself looking over some used Type-6 Haulers myself. One of the fellows in our trade group even gave me a loan on some credits to upgrade to a brand new one instead of used! I was to caught up in my own good fortune the news of Patreus going into my home system slipped by me. Wouldn't have mattered had I had paid attention. At the time it was just him going to talk to the government about his loans.

The trading in my old Type-6 brought in more credits than I knew existed. I had even been sending some back home to my family to support them and my father was thinking of coming out and becoming part of the trade coalition my group had formed. We had made contracts and become fast friends my group and I. I had even offered to buy him a Lakon Hauler brand new for him to start his new career. I had even traded in the old 6 for a new Type 7. My cargo capacity even larger than before I could afford my father a new Hauler in one trip! He was even going to come out and join me. That was the last I heard of him.

Patreus had send in his troops to collect a debt from people who had no business having to pay it back. While I had been making money for myself I had missed when they sent in the kill squads to exact their money in pounds of flesh and blood. I found my way home to a burned ruin and scattered refugees. My parents had been killed in the first wave of concentration camps. After all, my mother had been a secretary to one of the officials who took the senator's money in the first place. So they took her and my father away for payment. My father knowing they would be slaves fought them off long enough to take a rifle and took my mothers life before his own. Apparently vowing that he would never serve the Empire.

After I found out about this I started honing my skills as a pilot. I bought myself a Vulture and put a white paint on it. The normal blue it wore would never have caught the attention of my enemies. She would be the instrument of my vengeance. My name used to be Oberon Sargeriss. I take as of now a codename. My code Darth will be a reminder to any who have faced me and lived that the Empire will number it's days.
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