Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
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Registered ship ID
Python MO-22P
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


29 May 2021MoonSeeker2020
I was out doing some trading and trying to get used to the new territory that I've come to when I decide to give mining a try. Instead of lose the loadout that I have on my Cobra I decide to grab something cheap and fit it up specifically for mining. I chose the Adder for its price and slot layout, fit it up and head out to the belt for some good ol' resource extraction when another miner decides its a good idea to get close to my active mining laser. Of course the laser hits him, I get a 400cr bounty on me and then he opens fire to 'defend himself' from my powerful mining laser. Had he just fired a few warning shots across my bow or even hit me with a few I would have let bygones be bygones but this one is persistent so I return the favor and end his ship in fairly short order.

Upon his ship destruction I see the notification that my bounty has now been increased by 5000cr and I see more blips on my radar... surely these are the cops to come and make me pay for my horrible crime against humanity. I decide its best to not fight them as this will only make the situation worse and I flee the scene and head for the port to dock up and call it for the time being. Upon landing at the port however my ships computers decides it's an excellent time to go offline and leave me there stranded outside... with the cops hot on my tail.

I manage to finally coerce my systems into booting and maintaining stability long enough to dock up and collect myself when I notice that instead of entering my hanger I inform the docking crew that I'm ready to launch again... this isn't going to be good. I know by now the cops are back and ready to make me pay. So I do my damndest to get out of the station and attempt a redock when I sensors start to twitch and twinge with the presence of at least 8 cops. Now's the time to run so I take evasive maneuvers and head out from mass lock to get into hyperspace. This felt like an eternity as my ships computers started informing me that my hull has been comprimised.

"No kidding computer... is that what the cracks in my windshield mean? Can't you see that I'm running as fast as this crap loadout can run?!?!?!"

The FSD is taking far too long to charge... I have some thruster malfunctioning... losing control and this damn FSD still isn't charged!!!

"Why are you STILL CHARGING???!!! Get me OUTTA HERE!"

The cracks grow larger... canopy starting to compromise and I know the end is near... one more boost of the thrusters to pull some more range and finally that sweet countdown I've grown to love in situations just like this and I'm gone. Setting course to another system to collect myself, decide how to get back in and ditch this ship and recover my Cobra and get back out. Is it possible? Will the cops be right on my tail when I dock again? Surely the Cobra can handle a bit more abuse but I'm not sure. I did throw some extra shield boosters on that Adder and its felt pretty resilient to the punishment its taken so far.

I'm not happy about the situation, the market in that station was rather nice and I rather like the route from Pleutarama to Lumanata. I suppose it's not the end of the universe and that I'll find another route... maybe a route with less idiots that feel like getting me into trouble?
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︎1 Shiny!
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