Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
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Python MO-22P
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


11 Aug 2021MoonSeeker2020
For the first time since keeping a record of my travels, I'm pretty far off from where I started. I'm over in the 20 Ophiuchi system, several jumps away from familiar home systems like Eravate and LHS 3447. Anyone that keeps a close watch on the news that is news across the galaxy will know why I'm here: helping to deliver medicine supplies to fight the outbreak of disease in the system. While my ship can't hold the capacity that some of the big transport freighter ships can carry, the small amounts of medical cargo I've been able to deliver is still cargo the authorities at Chargaff Port didn't have before.

I'm going to stick around for a few days and help bring in as much aid as I can. Found that doing a shuttle run between Godwin Port in the Una system and back is the fastest way for me to bring in the much needed relief supplies to 20 Ophiuchi while keeping an eye out for delivery jobs to Godwin Port. It's not a fast way to make money, but it feels pretty good working to try and keep this disease contained and from spreading to other systems. I managed to make this trip after only five days of flight time in two ships, so if I can make this trip and lend support to the citizens of 20 Ophiuchi, anyone can.

Hartsfield Plant, Potriti-Headed to Cleve Hub, Eravate

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Picked up a job to haul Food Cartridges to Yaping Enterprise, LHS 3447 and bought Mineral Extractors to sell. Got interdicted in LHS 3447 by Ian Cooper. He was getting the upper hand in his Imperial Clipper until local system authority vessels arrived and assisted in helping take him down.

Yaping Enterprise, LHS 3447-Delivered Food Cartridges and sold Mineral Extractors. Picked up a couple of jobs, hauling Gallite to Tuan Orbital in Potriti and finding Clothing to bring back to Yaping Enterprise.

Tuan Orbital, Potriti-Delivered Gallite. Headed over to Chamunda to collect a forgotten bounty.

Gidzenko Ring, Chamunda-Collected bounty and bought Basic Medicines. Headed to Cleve Hub in Eravate to buy Clothing.

Cleve Hub, Eravate-Bought Clothing. Headed to Yaping Enterprise in LHS 3447

Yaping Enterprise, LHS 3447-Delievered Clothing and departed for 20 Ophiuchi to sell Basic Medicines. Explored as much as I could in each system I passed through while stopping at Crown Dock, Zemez and Prunariu Orbital, Una to refuel.

Chargaff Port, 20 Ophiuchi-Volunteered to aid the station and then sold Basic Medicines. Established a shuttle to buy Performance Enhancers at Godwin Port, Una and sell here. Going the other way, made deliveries of Food Cartridges & Power Generators at Godwin Port. Made four runs before calling it a successful day.
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