Cmdr MoonSeeker2020
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Python MO-22P
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


13 Aug 2021MoonSeeker2020
I have made friends in prison. People seem to know who I am. Its a strange feeling, being known for being a scumbag. I don’t think of myself that way. I just want to pursue happiness. There are just so many laws, taxes, politics, etiquette, and agendas that its hard to keep up. I would love to pay my fair share, but thats just not an option. They don’t ask for a fair share. They want it all. And if they can’t get it legally they will make up laws to greedily reach into my pocket and take my hard earned creds. Most people see the galaxy as a place of law and order with the occasional scumbag like myself taking advantage of good people. Thats just not the truth.

The galaxy is a vicious, immoral, and inky black hell where anarchy is the natural state. It is only when humans create rules that law and order can even exist. Even then, its still every man for himself. You may get jumped and thrown out of warp to be attacked by some desperate idiot who wants all you have so he can buy his family food for another month at any time and any place. The cops might try to help, but they won’t get there for ten minutes at the very least. In that time you could be dead already. If they aren’t reliable then why are you paying them? If you don’t even trust your own government then why are you following them? Its because if you don’t they will fine you, then bounty you, and then kill you. Its the threat of force you live under every day. Do the right thing, which I will define for you, or I will make your life a living hell. Thats what people in The Federation live under every day. I didn’t do that. And yet here I sit in prison. Because I robbed and killed thousands of people. If I had robbed and killed billions of people, I would be just like the Feds. They don’t arrest me to protect you. They do it to protect themselves. You see I am not in prison because I am a threat to you, I was placed in prison because I am honing in on there racket.

And yet hear I sit. Day in and day out. I have begun to bulk up alot since I got here. Just to keep busy and in shape. Can’t fight with my ship in here. I was visited earlier this week by my friend CMDR Enjin. We met while in the Sobek Boys. He tells me the Alioth Independents have taken over Sobek and claimed it for the alliance. We still live there and still have some sway in neighboring systems, but we are really hurting right now. Influence over the area has never been this low. They are thinking of talking to some new guy in the Pegasus Sector about getting me out. This man they speak of, Archon Delaine, seems like a real piece of crap. Grade A sleaze bag. He has been taking over sectors and anytime someone speaks out or attempts to rebel he sells them, and there family into slavery. But for his members, he is the father they needed while growing up. I hear stories of him killing the leader of the Kumo Crew when he was 14 with his bare hands. If I pledge my ship to him, they have promised he will get me out of here. Honestly, I just can’t wait to go home but I am just not sure what I am signing myself up for. I break my word then not even these psychos will tolerate my presence. I have to make this decision, Join Archon without even knowing the person I am pledging my life too, or stay here and rot in prison. Its an easy decision for me to make now, but holding up my end of the bargain might be difficult if this guy is a complete screw up.

I asked him how long it would take to get me out. He looked around, uneasy and asked me again if I would pledge my support to Archon. I asked him to give me a day to think about it. He looked disappointed but smiled. “When I leave this table I won’t be coming back. Its a simple choice. Give you life to him, what other choice do you have? What kinda life would you have here in this cage?” I looked across the table solemnly and asked him “Why do you trust this guy?” He surprised me with a hearty, jolly chuckle that shook the table and even the chair I was sitting on. “I don’t trust him” he said “But he sounds like you when he gets mad, spouting off about a free society and getting rid of our chains… He is the only one of us crazy bastards that might actually unite all us little clubs together. The Kumo Crew has been patching over alot of the smaller clubs out in the Pegasus sector and is pushing law and order out of the frontier. He is our best chance. Damn man, he is our only chance.”

After hearing all this I actually had a glimmer of hope that maybe things were actually looking up for once. Maybe this guy is the real deal and not some politician with scars. Enjin asked me in a serious tone “Just look at me and tell me you will pledge your time, your ship, and your life to Archon Delaine.”
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