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Vox Galactica: Star Date 05 Aug 3306

05 Aug 2020CJ_Pryde

"Letter from the editor"
 This is CJ Pryde. I am pleased to announce a new journalist has joined the VG crew. CMDR RevIX has been hired to work in our new area of space called "The Frontier Enclave". This particular arena is circulated 100lys around HIP 19934. This is of high interest to us as this section of space tends to be extremely active, sometimes more so then Federal and Imperial controlled systems. Two local squadrons and 1 Galactic power vie for systems here. The squadrons of Close Encounters Corps and Pilot Syndicate 4, as well as Li Yong-Rui's Sirius Corporation are constantly expanding their influence in this arena. To be honest, it's never boring in those systems with those guys working."

To start things off, this is MiaGoth reporting from Jameson Memorial.
Travel warnings have been adjusted for Deciat and Shinrarta Dezhra. Deciat threat level has been raised to EXTREME. Shinrarta however has been lowered to MEDIUM. Pilots are still warned to exercise caution when traveling to/from Deciat. Engineer Felicity Farseer has weighed options on relocating to another more protected system. The problems that would occur with said move would be Thargoid scouts following her to whatever system she relocated to. Deciat deals with a small amount of scout attacks due to Farseer's facility housing meta-alloys. This has prompted most systems to deny Felicity's request.
The Pilot's Federation Tribunal has convened and settled on a new private corporation to be contracted in dealing with pirates and predators in highly traveled systems of interest. This is all the information Vox Galactica has received at this moment. An official meeting of the Tribunal is set for Friday to publicly announce their plans.

Hello Milky Way, this is RevIX reporting to you from HIP 19934.
Fozard Dock, controlled by Pilot Syndicate 4, has seen a recent drop in influence in recent days. A number of incidents could be the reason behind such a steep decline, but PS4 board members are working around the clock to rectify this.
A travel advisory has been issued by the PS4 board warning travelers and traders to be extremely cautious around the system of HIP 20528. The HIP 20528 Nobles have engaged the Syndicate in a bloody war. The Nobles have grown tired of the Syndicate's governing laws and declared a war for independence. They aim to drive out the Syndicate and all those who follow them. Syndicate combat pilots have taken to conflict zones to defend their citizens and show the HIP 20528 Nobles just how frivolous their actions are.
Ten Syndicate owned systems are pending expansion further into space.
In Paesan, a Close Encounters Corps controlled system, a bloody terrorist attack has been quelled by loyal CEC pilots. Loss of life was inevitable, but the losses were at a minimum thanks to the quick reaction of CEC Supreme Council.
Eight systems controlled by CEC are experiencing a BOOM state. Traders have caught wind of this and have delved into the systems to make a hefty profit.

Bringing you the Colonia Affairs report, this is CJ Pryde.
Elections cpnclude in Edge Fraternity Landing with Colonia Council winning over Edge Fraternity 4-1. Sanzio Silo+++ will remain in control of the Colonia Council.
The Cent-01 virus has reached the shores of Sovereign's Reach and Deriso. The virus is being brought under control in Edge Fraternity, but somehow it managed to reach additional systems. Board members at Jaques and Colonia Council are looking into this incident as an attack rather than an outbreak. The virus was completely contained on Centralis, but managed to make its way to Edge Fraternity. It is highly unlikely an unwitting pilot transported it without knowing. Several other Colonia factions have requested to have envoys present at the meeting to help quell this outbreak. As of now, no travel warnings or lockdowns are in effect. The Cent-01 virus is only transferable through contact and fatal to persons with extremely low immune systems. It has the same effects as a common cold and a vaccine IS available to the public.
In other news, several new tourism agencies have opened up in Colonia. Tourism is at an all time high in the nebula. The Black Hole Experience recently opened in Jaques Station. This agency is dedicated to black hole travel from Colonia to Sagittarius A*. It is a 5* agency offering pricey luxury cabins suited to the passengers needs. A fleet of Beluga liners make up the meat of the tourism group. With good FSD jump abilities and large fuel tanks, it would be the perfect option. And remember, "they're in the top 1% of all liners out there!"

Economies of the Superpowers

The Empire
The Sovereign Justice Collective: Boom, Civil Liberty (Elated citizens)
Eotienses Citizens' Forum: Boom (Happy citizens)
Prismatic Imperium: Boom, Civil Liberty, Election (Elated citizens)
Chapterhouse of Inquisition: Boom, Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Federation
Nanomam Ltd: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)
East Galaxy Company: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Alliance
Alliance Office of Statistics: Boom, Expansion, Civil Liberty, Public Holidays (Happy and Elated citizens)

That concludes this week's Vox Galactica. Fly safe o7!
CJ Pryde
Vapor IX
(The Voices of the Milky Way)
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