Logbook entry

Vox Galactica: Star date 15 Aug 3306

15 Aug 2020CJ_Pryde

This is RevIX starting you off this week in the Frontier Enclave.
Close Encounter Corps pilots fended off a ferocious terrorist attack in HIP 20827. There was a substantial loss of life but CEC Supreme Council are working hard to pick up the pieces and restore prosperity to the people of this shattered system. Neighboring systems that are experiencing a booming economy have donated supplies, resources and personnel to help out.
All CEC systems are open to expansion as of this writing. The Supreme Council is looking to further its presence in the Enclave.
On the other end of the Enclave, Pilot Syndicate 4 systems are also open to expansion throughout their controlled space. Terrorists attempted coup in HIP 20480 but were quickly thwarted by brave Syndicate pilots. The drought plaguing HIP 20577 and Kaites have been brought under control. Vast amounts of water have been shipped into the systems by Syndicate operated fleet carriers and traders.

This is CJ Pryde bringing you this week's Colonia Affairs report.
The Cent-01 virus outbreak has been quelled in Deriso, but not before being transmitted to Sovereigns Reach. The Reach is not experiencing a rise in patients showing symptoms of the Cent-01 virus. The board members of Colonia Council, Jaques, People of Colonia and Holloway are on the verge of mandating vaccinations be administered throughout Colonia whether or not the virus is present. Starports in and around affected systems are quarantining visitors who have traveled to and from affected systems. Despite an extremely low fatality rate, patients with low immune systems and elderly are still at risk of serious complications.
Colonia Council with the help of Sentinel Security forces have driven back terrorists in 3 systems. Terrorists targeted the Beluga Liner, Colonial Dreams, carrying Talisa Bruthanvan and Johanna Stahl back to the Core Systems. Sentinel was quick to respond and destroy the terrorists. Both CEOs were unharmed and the convoy resumed on its way back home.
The Council has asked Sentinel for aide in helping a natural disaster that has struck  Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31. Planet 4 in the system, home to Gagarin Gate has suffered massive planetwide earthquakes. Sentinel has sent numerous T9s loaded with supplies and personnel, as well as several Orcas for SAR operations. The Colonia Council and People of Colonia are asking for assistance from any independent pilots in the area to help. This system is located 7000lys from Colonia. The Omega Mining Operation has sent a small navy of Dolphins to aide in the disaster.

This is MiaGoth reporting from Jameson Memorial.
Security warnings for Shinrarta and Deciat have both been lowered to a HIGH status. The Collective have deployed multiple security forces into these areas to combat pirates and predators. Seeing this as a threat to Imperial pilots, Admiral of the Fleet, Senator Denton Patreus has deployed undercover Imperial security pilots to wipe out the pirate threat. This marks the first time the Empire has deployed ISS agents to aide the Pilot's Federation Branch. Both President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon have yet to respond in kind to this action. Could we be looking at the first time all 3 superpowers unite outside of Aegis operations? One can only hope!

Economies of the Superpowers

The Empire
The Sovereign Justice Collective: Boom, Civil Liberty (Elated citizens)
Eotienses Citizens' Forum: Boom (Happy citizens)
Prismatic Imperium: Boom, Civil Liberty, Election (Elated citizens)
Chapterhouse of Inquisition: Boom, Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Federation

Nanomam Ltd: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)
East Galaxy Company: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Alliance
Alliance Office of Statistics: Boom, Expansion, Civil Liberty, Public Holidays (Happy and Elated citizens)

That concludes this week's Vox Galactica. Fly safe o7!
CJ Pryde
Vapor IX
(The Voices of the Milky Way)

*If you have anything you would like to see added or anything you want to contribute to Vox Galactica, please feel free to message CJ Pryde*
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