Logbook entry

Life Aboard the Roger Young

16 Aug 2020CJ_Pryde
This is journalist CJ Pryde's point of view riding aboard the Roger Young on its journey to find a new habitable planet.

As I wander the halls of the Roger Young, there is a high sense of friendship among the pilots and officers aboard. They're very friendly with me. Hi's and hello's ring throughout the halls as I stroll by. I don't know if they're genuinely this polite or only polite when they know a reporter is catching all this on film. One thing I know for sure is they all have a huge amount of admiration and respect for the commander. Every one I spoke to about the CO had nothing but great things to say about her. In my interview with XO Rokwell earlier, he noted that the commander is overdue for a promotion. I'm on my way to interview CAG Capt James "Helix" Moore. He's one interviewee who's managed to elude me so far, but I WILL find him.

I manage to locate him after his debriefing of the pilots. He's FINALLY granted me an interview. Greetings Capt Moore. "Please, ma'am, Helix is fine." Ok...Helix. It's been several days since we departed port. How are your pilots adjusting to the time away from home and loved ones? "Well, my pilots have a busy schedule each day with training simulators while traversing hyperspace and in-flight training exercises during system layovers. Each one deals with the time away in their own way. Some choose to spend time socializing in the bar, or the rec room. Some even choose to make vidlogs for their families." Is there someone special in your life? "(Laughs) Not yet. This job is very consuming. It's hard to find that special someone who can accept this career, let alone be constantly flying dangerous missions thousands of light years away." You never know, you might meet your future wife on board. "(Chuckles) Wouldn't that be something? I've traveled with a lot of these pilots. I see most of them as brothers and sisters." She doesn't have to be a pilot. "Is this an interview or a date, ma'am?" Oh..I'm sorry. Sometimes I get flustered. "It's ok. We all get that way sometimes. I do however, have reports to file with the CO. If you'll please excuse me." Of course. I thank you for your time. "Just one more thing. I would love to continue this....drinks tonight at 1900 hours at Jack's?" Oh, of course. I'd love to. (ridiculous smile on my face).

The Story of the Roger Young will continue through multiple points of view from several pilots. Stay Tuned for the next installment.
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