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Vox Galactica: Star date 21 Aug 3306

21 Aug 2020CJ_Pryde


Civil War has broken out in the Empire's naval system. Imperial Naval Command in Facece is dealing with a civil war between two independent factions. Insurrectionists from the Allied Facece Order have split into their own governing faction called Values Party of Facece seeking to bring democracy to the dictatorship. Seeing as this is the Empire's Naval yard, both Senator Patreus and Emperor Lavigny-Duval have been closely monitoring the situation. Senator Patreus has ordered Admiral Brice of the Imperial Interdictor Atticus on standby should there be a need to defend Imperial property or citizens. As of this writing, the need for Imperial intervention has not been needed. Emperor Lavigny-Duval is hoping for a swift end to this war or the Empire will be forced to intervene to protect their assets. A representative for either party could not be reached for an interview, but we are trying. This has been MsValkyrie reporting to you from Facece.

This is CJ Pryde reporting to you aboard the Roger Young for this week's Colonia Affairs Report.
It's over! Thanks to the help of Sentinel Security and the willpower of the Colonia board, the Cent-01 virus outbreak has been wiped out. As a precautionary measure, starports will remain under a quarantine status for one more week. Mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns have proved successful in quelling this outbreak. CEO of Sentinel Security Elizabeth Rogers thanked the citizens of Colonia for their quick reaction to combating this virus. An investigation is underway in Centralis to determine the origin of the virus.
To continue on high notes, thanks to the quick response from SentCom and Colonia Council, the natural disater that struck Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 has been brought under control. Missing citizens have all been accounted for. Food, water, medical supplies and resources have been transported to the system in vast quantities. Citizens have banded together to help rebuild after this atrocity.
The Council is withdrawing from Morpheus and Saraswati to focus their investments in colonizing new systems in Colonia. Board leaders from the Colonia Council, People of Colonia and Holloway Bioscience are convening in Gacrux later next week with Jaques CEOs Talisa Bruthanvan and Johanna Stahl to discuss new colonization efforts.

This is MiaGoth reporting to you from Artemis Lodge.
Unsettling news has reached our desk from HR 1183. A beluga liner filled with relocating residents has disappeared. A recovered escapee indicated the liner was pulled from supercruise by Thargoid Hydras accompanied by a Thargoid Orthrus. The witness went on to say the 3 interceptors and ship vanished. The Orthrus was thought to be long gone. Not seen since the days Professor Palin abandoned his facility. This incident has sparked new fears that an impending Thargoid infestation is quickly looming. SAR operations have begun in and around HR 1183. Efforts may be futile as no evidence is known as to where Thargoids travel to in witchspace. Engineers Chloe Sedasi and Professor Palin are working on plans to build a module to track Thargoid hyperspace jumps. The wake scanners in use now can not detect Thargoid destinations. Angry pilots have taken to HR 1183 in search of revenge. This may prove to be harmful to ongoing SAR ops. Several anti-xeno squadrons have deployed fleet carriers to the neighboring systems in preparation of war with the Thargoids. The controversial Aegis Co is closely eyeing the situation in HR 1183 as well which has prompted much outrage from Imperial opponents of Aegis, quite specifically Nova Imperium. We are monitoring this situation as it grows!

Economies of the Superpowers

The Empire
The Sovereign Justice Collective: Boom, Civil Liberty (Elated citizens)
Eotienses Citizens' Forum: Boom (Happy citizens)
Prismatic Imperium: Boom, Civil Liberty, Election (Elated citizens)
Chapterhouse of Inquisition: Boom, Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Federation
Nanomam Ltd: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)
East Galaxy Company: Civil Liberty (Happy citizens)

The Alliance
Alliance Office of Statistics: Boom, Expansion, Civil Liberty, Public Holidays (Happy and Elated citizens)

That wraps up this week's installment of Vox Galactica. You heard it here first! Fly safe o7!
CJ Pryde
Vapor IX
(The Voices of the Milky Way)
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