Logbook entry

Vox Galactica: Star Date 16 Sept 3306

16 Sep 2020CJ_Pryde

"Hello fellow readers! This week's installment brings both sad and great news. We have a lot to discuss with you this week. Vox Galactica is going to be re-branded in all future installments as to not be confused with the former, now back from the dead, Vox Galactica. This news agency has been bought by an outside agency based inside the Paresa system. Our staff has been expanded and our news will now cover a lot more civilized space than ever before. These changes will all take place starting next week. My staff and I are extremely grateful to everyone who follows our news. From the bottom of our hearts...thank you!"

As mentioned to you in Galnet, Prince Harold Duval has been assassinated during a trip to visit his daughter, Princess Aisling Duval. The group NMLA (Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army), which late last week attacked 4 Imperial starports, claimed responsibility for the assassination. The Empire, as of this writing, still has yet to issue a statement regarding the murder. During a rescue attempt at Mackenzie Relay in Cemiess, a vessel commanded by Admiral Lindholm was attacked while rescuing Princess Duval's personal staff. The crew managed to survive the attack and save all of the Duval staff, but Admiral Lindholm has taken to the medical ward of the Rescue Megaship-Mackenzie Relay and diagnosed with a concussion and lacerations to her face. The Admiral is reported being in good condition and moving about. We managed to get a statement from her staff regarding the attack and the Prince's assassination.

LCDR Vittoria Lugosi issued this statement from the Admiral:
"We are deeply saddened upon learning of Prince Harold's assassination. All of our crew are devout supporters of Princess Duval and her family. Our prayers go out to the Princess and the Duval family. Rest assured, we will make it our highest priority to seek out these cowardly extremists and deliver to them the justice they rightfully deserve! I believe, without a doubt, it was they who attacked my vessel in a failed attempt to kill me and the Princess' staff. We will not stop until we've cleansed the galaxy of these cowards!"

Vox Galactica has also received a statement from the Office of Primi Chanter concerning the Prince's murder:

Search and rescue operations are still ongoing in Cemiess, LHS 4031, RABH, and Gabjaujis. According to recent reports, the stations have almost been fully evacuated of non-essential personnel. Imperial Security estimates that all evacuations should be complete within the day. After the evacuations have been completed, the rebuilding process will begin. We are sure that Operation Ida will be organizing plans to transport supplies and resources to the damaged stations.
Imperial technicians and security personnel have been working around the clock on upgrading system defenses to prevent further terrorist attacks. Independent security firms have been contracted to provide intel and upgrades. The names of such firms are not known as of yet.
Investigations are also ongoing as to how such extremists managed to get their hands on Thargoid-engineered weaponry. Many Imperials are pointy fingers to Aegis as they are currently under investigation for this exact same issue. Aegis has been known in experimenting with Thargoid weaponry. Imperial investigators have stated that they will find out where these bombs were manufactured and bring all parties involved before the Emperor to stand trial.

The Pilot's Federation Branch has issued HIGH travel advisory warnings to Rabh and Cemiess. These systems are two of the four currently under attack from NMLA extremists. Loyalists to the group have been spotted in the system attacking SAR vehicles. All non-rescue vessels have been warned to stay clear of the systems until the threat is neutralized. Sentinel Security has deployed a fleet to help wipe out the terrorists and clear the space for rescue personnel.

Once again, we here at VG are glad you enjoy our installments and look forward to bringing you a lot more in the bright future ahead!

That concludes this week's Vox Galactica. Fly safe o7!
CJ Pryde
Vapor IX
(The Voices of the Milky Way)

*Credit to the following for the photos, articles and names involved:*
House Chanter of Primi
Operation Ida
Panacea of the Princess
Admiral Lilli Lindholm
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