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Paresa News Network: Star Date 21 Sept 3306

22 Sep 2020CJ_Pryde

"Paresa News Network is reworked and reformatted Vox Galactica that was brought to life by CJ Pryde during the Galnet blackout. The staff here decided to redo our entire setup to bring you a wider spectrum of the Galaxy. The Vox Galactica name has been dropped as to not confuse it with the existing Vox Galactica. We have added more staff to our existing crew to allow for this expanded coverage. Current Galnet reports will also be found within our installments. Reports from Colonia all the way to the Witch Head Nebula will be encompassed in our articles.
-The Voices of the Milky Way"

Coming to you from our headquarters in Dyson City, this is CJ Pryde and James Tribble.

(CJ): Wuthielo Ku governor, Nova Navy Admiral Von MD has pushed Nova Imperium into a booming state of wealth throughout the system. Through his mentoring and leadership, Nova pilots crushed a recent pirate attack and brought prosperous trading back into the system.
(JT): That's right, CJ. Independent traders have begun their own "rags to riches" path through Wuthielo Ku. If you're looking to make some fast credits, now is the time!

(JT): As reported by Galnet, Prince Harold Duval has been assassinated. This heinous act of terror was carried out by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. These individuals disapprove of the Empire's hereditary lines of succession and want to bring a voting system in to determine the Empire's next Emperor.
(CJ): Emperor Lavigny-Duval had this to say to the media:

"It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Prince Harold. A state funeral at the Hall of Martyrs is being arranged and there will be a period of mourning, as is customary for esteemed members of the Imperial Family. There will be opportunities for all citizens to honor Harold’s memory in an appropriate manner.”

A distraught and distressed Princess Aisling Duval gave the media a short statement:

“It’s a huge loss to us all that… I’m sorry… I can’t believe this has happened. He can’t be gone! I used to have some sympathy for the Marlinists, but now they… they took him from us. They took my daddy.”

We received a transmission from Flight Operations Admiral of the Nova Navy, Yumasai:

"As I am transmitti-- this from roughly 20.000 lightyea-- away, it may be a bit hazy. Sor-- if the transmissio-- does not comes thr-- completely.

News has indee-- reached me of thes-- Neo-Marlinist people and their attacks. Personall--, I believe that they are mere terrorists, and deserv-- to die by executio--. I wish to extend my sorro-- and grief towa-- Her Majesty, The Emper--, as well as Princess Aisl-- Duval and the last male of the Duval fami--: Hadrian Augustu-- Duval.

The NMLA is but a name tha-- these terrorists hav-- placed upon themsel--s, and they are hypocriti-- from day one: They desire a fre-- and democratic socie--, where Senators are elected, and where the voice of the peopl-- is heard. Yet, in their attempt to achiev-- their goals, they have not been afrai-- to use terrorism agains-- the Empire.

How they hav-- obtained access to Thargoid technolo-- remains a mystery to me, as does it for many others, yet I do solemnl-- believe that Aegis has somethin-- to do with it. This due to the fa-- that some months ago, Aegis agen-- have been spotted taking captured Thargoi-- specimen into top secret faciliti--. No proof is available for no--, but I do believe that there must be a connec-- between the NMLA and Aegis.

As to conclude, my thoughts on the NMLA are fina--. They are nothing but terrorists that seek to destr-- our fine society and systems. They espouse to stand for a free and liber-- Achenar whereby everyone's voice is heard, yet, they aim to achie-- this through the use of fear and destructi--. Not very Democratic, if you as-- me. They are crimina--, and must be punished accordingly."

There is now growing support for Nova Imperium Imperator, Hadrian Augustus Duval as he is now the last surviving male heir to the throne, as per the Treaty of Paresa. Nova Imperium, however, has remained true in honoring the Treaty by supporting Arissa Lavigny-Duval as the Emperor.  Many Imperials have voiced their support for the Imperator long before this assassination, but now the fire has been set ablaze again. They call for Emperor Arissa to step down and allow the rightful heir to the throne into power. This has caused a lot of tension in the Empire, as House Chanter recognizes Princess Aisling Duval as the rightful Emperor.

(JT): Citizens in the Federation have finally seen a conclusion to an investigation that took years to complete, CJ. As reported by Galnet (Starship One Arrest Made), Federal authorities have concluded that Starship One's apparent explosion was deliberately caused by Chief Technician Rory Webster of the Federal Navy Engineering Corps. Webster is set to stand trial in Federal High Court very soon. PNN agents have not been able to reach Shadow President Winters nor President Hudson for comments regarding this situation.

Our reporter, Lizabeth Gaites is in Gateway with news on Prime Minister Mahon's reactions to Aegis.

(LG): Thank you, James. Yesterday I was allowed a short statement from Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon regarding the volatile situation involving Aegis. This is what he had to say:

"We have received news from several of our agencies that members inside the Aegis Corporation are working with Thargoid agents in killing human citizens. While we do have a large number of resources invested in the Aegis program, we can not sit and watch as they use our own resources against us. I have called a special congress of Alliance delegates to determine what actions we will take to remove these agents. Thank you. That is all I have to say at this time."

This is truly a much larger situation than people think it is. If the Aegis program was to be shut down, humanity's frontline defenses against the Thargoids would be in jeopardy. As this situation evolves, we will keep you informed.

(CJ): Thank you Liz. Stay safe over there! Now, we have Jason Staton with your Galactic Travel Report! Let's head to Jameson Memorial and get his updates. Jason.

(JS): Thanks Cece. You wouldn't think with the universe being infinite in all directions that we would be reporting about traffic jams, but here we are. We have HIGH traffic volume in the Deciat and Mbambiva systems. We received a warning from the Pilot's Federation Branch that Shinrarta Dezhra is littered with hostiles intent on killing you. Sentinel Security forces have been dispatched to thin out the criminals but there are proving to be more of them then security forces out there. Please remain vigilant and cautious should you need to travel to any of these systems.
Extreme travel warnings remain in the four Imperial systems that came under a terror attack by the NMLA. Cemiess, Rabh, LHS 4031 and Gabjaujis have burning stations situated in the systems. Evacuations continue as SAR operations have wrapped up. Imperial authorities have ordered ALL non-essential personnel out of the space surrounding the damaged stations to allow flights in and out of the stations. Splinter wings of the NMLA have been spotted in and out of the system, so Admiral Lindholm has ordered and KOS order to all who ignore Imperial restrictions.

(JT): Wow. Things look terrible there. Let's hope the rescue teams can save those people and get those stations back to 100% working order.

Well everyone, that wraps up the inaugural installment of Paresa News Network. We hope that you are well informed. Stay safe out there o7!

For CJ Pryde and all our staff here at PNN, this is James Tribble signing off.
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