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Paresa News Network: Star Date 30 Sept 3306

01 Oct 2020CJ_Pryde

Good morning, Milky Way! I am Vittoria Lugosi, filling in for CJ Pryde as she is on assignment in Ogoni. Besides me sits James Tribble. Today we will catch you up on all the activities taking place in the Milky Way!

(VL): Nova Imperium Imperator, Hadrian Augustus Duval, is having a busy week. Earlier this week, he attended his uncle, Harold Duval's viewing on Capitol to pay respects to the late Prince. He has since returned home to conduct negotiations with the Jet Universal Partners for control of the Ogoni system. The leaders of the JUP refused the Imperator's demands and declared war on Nova Imperium. Admiral Lilli Lindholm and the Talon fleet took a flight to Ogoni to dispatch with the Jet Universal Partners. As of this writing, the war stands at 2-0 in favor of Nova Imperium.

(JT): That's correct, Vittoria. Admiral Lindholm's fleet is setting JUP vessels ablaze. The Partners conceded day 2 which almost, undoubtedly hands the war, and the system, over to Imperator Duval and Nova Imperium. Unless the JUP can mount a full-scale attack, they will be forced to sign over control of Ogoni to Nova Imperium.

Tarter Dock in Wuthielo Ku has become a temporary haven for residents avoiding the conflict in Ogoni. Station security has been increased to ensure the safety of all residing on the station during the war. Extra provisions and evacuation shelters have been flown in to meet the needs of the people. Our reporter on the station, Lexi Volker, is on the scene. What's it like down there, Lex?

(LV): "Hello James. You would think civil unrest would be all over, but it's quite the opposite. Station officials have kept the scene under control and the people are quite satisfied. The morale down here is very high on Nova Imperium. Back to you, James."

(JT): We have breaking news! The war has concluded in Ogoni with Nova Imperium securing an easy victory. The Jet Universal Partners leadership conceded the system to prevent further loss to life and infrastructure. Allen Settlement has been handed over to Hadrian Augustus Duval and the NI high council. The High Council has arranged for a session to name a new governor of Ogoni. When the results are made public, PNN will have that information for you.

(VL): In other Imperial news, Senator and Fleet Admiral, Denton Patreus has ordered a lockdown of Ackwada, Beatis, Chana, and Nahuatl. These systems are known supporters of the Marlinist ideals. Senator Patreus received thunderous applause with this statement during a session of Congress;

“There will be justice for the murder of Prince Harold Duval and justice for those citizens who perished in flames. The Marlinists will pay dearly for these atrocities!”

Military and Penal megaships have been deployed into those four systems. Independent pilots have also positioned their personal fleet carriers within the systems. It is still unknown whose side those pilots are on, but either way, war is looking more and more foreseeable. The Empire has warned all who side with the Marlinists that they will be treated as enemies of the Emperor. We all remember what happened last time the Empire purged an outside group.

(JT): Some of us remember all too well, Vittoria. Now we will take you to our Intergalactic Travel reporter, Jason Stanton for some important news.

(JS): Thanks, James. Yes. We have a bit to talk about today. The Pilots Federation Branch has issued several travel advisories for a couple of systems. One particular system is the BAAL system. This has been slapped with a HIGH warning. As you may or may not know, many pilots have been transporting goods to this system for Prince Harold Duval's funeral. This has drawn the eye of many pirates, which forced the PFB to issue the warning. Imperial Security Forces have been bolstered to help keep traders safe.

The usual suspects of Deciat and Shinrarta Dezhra are on the list under a MEDIUM warning. Personally, I don't think those two will ever get off the list. None the less, you should take heed of these warnings and either stay clear or come prepared if interdicted.

That's all for the travel report. Back to you, Vittoria and James.

(VT): Well that concludes this week's reports. Stay safe out there, commanders. For James, and the rest of the PNN staff, this is Vittoria Lugosi signing off.
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