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Paresa News Network: Star Date 09 Oct 3306

09 Oct 2020CJ_Pryde

Hello Milky Way! This is CJ Pryde and Vittoria Lugosi bringing you this week's episode of Paresa News Network.

Imperial Space has been extremely busy these last few weeks. On Wednesday, the Eurybia Blue Mafia managed to force the Imperial Security Service out of the system and safely see engineer, Liz Ryder, back to her home at Demolition Unlimited.
The Mafia, as well as Ms. Ryder, proclaim the engineer's innocence in terrorist bombings by the Neo Marlinist Liberation Army. This was a devastating defeat for the Empire to lose to the anarchist EBM faction. Whispers questioning Senator and Fleet Admiral, Denton Patreus, are making their way throughout the Empire. Questions of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval are also coming to life as these actions are likely sanctioned by the Emperor herself.

(VL): The Empire kicked off a campaign on Thursday to wipe out NMLA supporters in the Ackwada system. The Duduseklis Empire League is one of several organizations that publicly accepted the principles of Marlinism. Imperial intelligence suggests it is allowing the NMLA to radicalize its citizens into becoming activists for the paramilitary group. The Duduseklis Empire League broadcast this message following the Imperial sanctions:

"If NMLA members have been recruited from our people, it is certainly not with our knowledge. The Empire is using a terrorist hunt to justify persecuting millions of ordinary citizens, whose only crime is to believe in republican ideals."

"We are countering this unwarranted aggression to ensure these political refugees escape imprisonment. The stronger our resistance, the more megaships can flee this system. We desperately need help so we can transport thousands of innocent families to safety."

Several systems remain on lockdown for being accused of practicing Marlinism. No word from Imperial authorities on if and when these lockdowns would be lifted or if Imperial actions, like in Ackwada, would take place.

Nova Imperium is taking steps to ensure the safety of Hadrian Augustus Duval. Hadrian, even though exiled, is the last legitimate male heir to the Duval throne. This has been made possible due to the Treaty of Paresa.
PNN has not been able to reach a representative from either Aisling's Angels or Prismatic Imperium on the safety of Princess Aisling Duval.

(CJ): Breaking news from Federal Space! Admiral Vincent has been named by Chief Rory Webster has the one who ordered him to sabotage Starship One's FSD. Admiral Vincent has been taken into custody and placed inside a maximum-security prison to await trial. He likely faces charges of mass murder and treason. Chief Webster could face up to 20 years for actions caused by duress. President Zachary Hudson has not made a public address on this arrest as of yet. President Hudson and Admiral are good friends but the President believes the court system will bring justice to those who lost their lives.

We now shift to Jason who will update us on all Pilot's Federation traffic and warnings. Jason..

(JS):Thanks CJ. What a mess out there, people. For the first time in a very long time, Shinrarta Dezhra has been removed from the list of travel advisory systems. Ackwada is under an EXTREME warning. With Imperial purging of NMLA supporters, the PFB has asked all pilots NOT involved in their squabble to remain as far away from the system as possible! Eurybia and Deciat are under a HIGH warning. Being engineer systems, they will always attract unwanted killers and pirates wanting what they can't obtain themselves. Eurybia remains high on this list as there are still pockets of resistance flying around. That does it for traffic. Stay safe out there!

(VL): That will about wrap it up. For CJ Pryde and the rest of the PNN staff, signing off!
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