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Paresa News Network: Star Date 24 Oct 3306

24 Oct 2020CJ_Pryde

"Greetings Milky Way, this is CJ Pryde bringing you this week's installment of Paresa News Network. After several meetings with the staff here, we have decided to make some more changes to the installments. These will be discussed in a later installment, but we think you will like them!"

The news coming out of the Federation is that several systems are offering asylum to Marlinist refugees fleeing the Empire. Noel Beaumont, the CEO of Safeguard Interstellar has asked independent pilots to help deliver supplies in the form of food, medicines, and temporary shelters for the influx of refugees. This has undoubtedly angered Imperial authorities who are seeking the Marlinists for questioning regarding station bombings and Prince Harold Duval's assassination. Neither Federal President Zachary Hudson nor Imperial Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval have made public statements on this sensitive affair. Federal Command has deployed into LFt 625 to ensure the safety of traders and ward off Imperial attackers. This is a closely monitored situation from all leaders of the superpowers. We will continue covering this situation as it grows.

Jason has some travel advisories to bring to you, so let's head to Jameson Memorial for that report.

(JS): Thanks CJ. Yes, we have quite a few advisories to mention to you. First off, LFT 625 is under an EXTREME THREAT. The Pilot's Federation has warned all pilots who are not conducting business there, to stay away. The threat of Imperial retaliation is very likely.
Enayex and Deciat are listed as HIGH THREAT systems. Enayex is under attack from Imperial sympathizers of the station bombings. In case you are unaware, Enayex is controlled by the Eurybia Blue Mafia, the same faction that Liz Ryder works for. The Empire denies any hand in the attacks. These seem to be carried out by independent Imperial pilots who believe that Liz Ryder and the Mafia were not held accountable for their transgressions.
Hyades Sector DB-X d1-112, the galaxy's painite party, is under a LOW THREAT, but that can always change. Mining hotspots are always a threat, so be careful out there!

That will about wrap it up. For CJ Pryde and the rest of the PNN staff, signing off!
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