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Paresa News Network: Star Date 01 Nov 3306

01 Nov 2020CJ_Pryde

Good morning Milky Way. This is CJ Pryde bringing you this week's Paresa News Network.
Tensions are coming to a boiling point between the Empire and Federation over the Marlinist refugees that fled the Empire. Spokesman Jordan Rochester said that these innocent families simply want to live their lives in peace without persecution from the Empire. Communication channels on both sides have gone silent. Many are fearing the worst....a war between the superpowers that could divide the Core Systems. As of this writing, Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has yet to make a public statement on the deteriorating situation.

As reported by Nova Network, Nova Imperium Imperator, Hadrian Duval, was wounded in a failed assassination attempt by the NMLA. The Imperator's personal guard was quick to take out the would-be assassins. Fortunately, they managed to capture a wounded assassin before he could flee or be killed. Dr. Julius Maxilius, the Imperator's personal physician made this statement:

"The battle against his injuries is a tough one, but I think me and my team can stabilize his life functions. I can make no promises to the public regarding his health since his injuries are very severe. All I can do with my team is to do the best we can so that he may remain alive by attending to his most severe injuries sustained during the firefight. Only then can we attend his other injuries and hope for a swift recovery of our glorious leader."

The following day, Princess Aisling Duval arrived in Paresa aboard the INV Achenar's Courage. The Princess was concerned for her cousin's wellbeing and made the trip, personally, to check on him.

Lavigny’s Legion Invades Cemiess
Our reporter, Vittoria Lugosi, is live in Cemiess to update you on the growing concerns in Aisling Duval's home system.
Good morning everyone. If you're away or don't listen to the news, Lavigny's Legion has swarmed on Cemiess. Our sources have stated that the Vequess Empire Pact has sympathizers to the NMLA within its organization. Details of this invasion are still sketchy, so when I receive more information, I should bring it to you.

To the Galactic traffic hub, I pass this onto our own Jason.
Thank you Vittoria. The Pilot's Federation has issued several travel warnings. Deciat and Chukchan have a HIGH warning. Deciat is always in a warning because of Farseer INC. Chukchan however has seen an influx of pilots due to the mysterious ghost generation ship that has appeared. Due to the ongoing invasion in Cemiess, the Pilot's Federation has warned pilot's to exercise caution when traveling through the system.

That will about wrap it up. For CJ Pryde and the rest of the PNN staff, signing off!
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