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Paresa News Network 06-12-3306

06 Dec 2020CJ_Pryde

Greetings commanders! Welcome to Paresa News Network. There has been alot of activity this week involving the Federation-Empire animosity and the Alliance with their Xeno initiatives.

The Empire and Federation have both met their goals of garnering enough components to construct new Capital Ships. This initiative has been met with some backlash as well. Many citizens, on both sides, have said this could be a sign of aggression as they look to prepare for war. PNN reporter, Vittoria Lugosi has requested statements from reps on both sides and has been met with silence. Neither side is up to providing any statements at this time regarding a looming conflict.

PNN sent reporter Lexi Volker to the Coalsack region for details on Alliance initiatives to probe the nebula for resources. Lexi..
Thank you CJ. As CJ mentioned the Alliance has issued a huge payout for cartographics data, especially data involving ammonia worlds. As you are fully aware of, Thargoids thrive on ammonia worlds. This has led people to speculate that the Alliance are continuing their Xeno probing. This has outraged citizens throughout Alliance space. Many point to the events that occurred in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulae. The Thargoids in the Coalsack did not interfere with humanity in the Core Systems until the Alliance began poking them with a stick. The Coalsack is not littered with NHSS and pilots are being attacked very frequently. The extremely controversial Aegis Co has yet to make an appearance or statement regarding the expansion. Aegis is still dealing with the the Empire withdrawing their funding. This is all I have to report on from the Coalsack.

Thank you Lexi. From the Coalsack to Shinrarta, we have James reporting on Galactic traffic.
Thanks CJ. The Pilot's Federation have issued HIGH warnings for Deciat and Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1. These systems have reported Thargoid presence within them. Pilots are urged to practice extreme caution if they must travel here. The PF have also warned traders selling meta-alloys to Farseer, to be aware of hyperdictions from angry Thargoids.

In other news, the Pilot's Federation have sent notice to all starport authority contracts that the payouts for bounty vouchers are set to increase. Criminal activity is running rampant and unchecked. Private contractors like Sentinel Security are being stretched thin dealing with pirates and terrorists in the Colonia Nebula and the Core Systems. Vessels equipped with kill warrant scanners will have a greater payout as they collect the originating systems increased payout as well.

This is all for PNN this week. This is CJ Pryde signing off!
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