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Paresa News Network 09-03-3307

09 Mar 2021CJ_Pryde
Hello again Commanders! Welcome to another entry of Paresa News Network, Nova Imperium's official news station. Today we have something special for you. PNN's very own CJ Pryde sat down with Nova Imperium's Praetor, CMDR Yumasai for an exclusive interview.

Today, as we already know, the Galactic Summit continues to move forward. The agenda today was a discussion of funds for Thargoid defense. The much controversial Aegis program has decided to move onto researching Guardian tech to learn more about fighting the Thargoids. Prime Minister Mahon has proposed a new cooperation program against the Thargoids, now being called the Sirius Treaty. This would mark a milestone accomplishment for the Summit. Decisions are expected by the end of the week.

Security surrounding the system of Sirius, where the summit is taking place, is having a hard time fending off pirates and gankers. To protect Imperial delegates and Imperial pilots delivering goods, Imperator Hadrian Duval has sent a detachment to the system for additional protection. CMDR Beastsyler, of the NNV Rheinland carrier and CMDR Yumasai have led several Nova Navy vessels into the system to hunt pirates and unlawful independent pilots. Additional Nova pilots, led by CMDR Seraph of Black Fleet have been dispatched to the area by Fleet Admiral Lindholm.

I recently sat down with Nova Navy Praetor, CMDR Yumasai to learn more about what makes him tick and what drove him to joining the Imperator's cause.

CJ Pryde:
Greetings Praetor Yumasai. I hope you're doing well. Paresa News Network, especially myself, would like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down and allow us to look into what makes you....YOU. I want to start off by asking you about your Naval career growing up. Would you please be so kind as to let the world in on your past?

Praetor Yumasai:
I grew up in a hardworking Federal family on Earth, with my mom being a financial administrator and my father being a small time but respected ship mechanic. When I was 15 years old, my father committed suicide, so my mother had to fend for me and my younger brother, who was 10 years at the time.

When I became an adult, I enlisted to serve in the Federal Navy but was rejected. Instead, I signed up for the Federal Navy Auxiliary and was accepted as a law enforcer. I studied software engineering, so I also sometimes was called up to perform some... "clandestine digital actions", you could say. The work was honest and fair, and the payment was good, helping me support my mother and younger brother.

Oh God. I'm so sorry for your loss. We are happy that you managed to find a good paying job and that family values mean a lot to you. What drove you to leave the Federal Navy Auxiliary and join the Nova Navy?

As I grew older and experienced first-hand the workings of the Federal Navy, I found my ideal of President Zachery Hudson being an iron-fist strongman and not afraid to stand up against the Empire fading. Especially as he collaborated more and more with the other superpowers.

It was around this time when I noticed the rise of a new organization in Imperial territory, one that sought to have the Empire modeled into one that does not collaborate with the Federation nor the Alliance, and would like to see the old ways restored. This organization, known as Nova Imperium, attracted me.

At the time, I was still serving in the Federal Navy Auxiliary, but when Kaeso Mordanticus put out word that he needed every helping hand he could get to fight for the Imperium, I decided to make the choice to desert from the Federal Navy Auxiliary and fight with the Imperium. I did this and took my corvette, the FNS Dominator at the time, with me, knowing that getting it back once the authorities would find out my desertion would be impossible.

I survived the Battle of Paresa, with luck you could say - pointing at a large scar that runs along a Guardian-eye implant -, lost my left eye as a sacrifice. Following the beginnings of the purge and with no way going back, I found refuge at Dyson City where I found Hadrian Augustus Duval and his Chief of the Navy, Commander Rainbro. Quite simply I asked if I could help out, and yeah, that's how I ended up in the Imperium's Navy.

What is it about Hadrian Duval that you fight so vigorously for his causes?

Well, to put it simple: I do not believe there is any other person out there in the galaxy that openly wants to return the Empire to its former glory. Sure, Senator Patreus might have been able to increase spending on the Imperial Navy, but it is nothing in comparison to what the Imperator has planned.

I also believe, like the Imperator, that the only way forward for the Empire is to be a strong and independent Empire. Thus, cutting any and all ties with the Federation and the Alliance. And let's not forget about the Aegis Organization. It is a good thing at least, that the Empire already cut its financial support to them. In order for the Empire to fend off the Thargoid threat, we should stand ready on our own feet, rather than having to rely any bit on whatever the forces of the Alliance and/or Federation can do.

To conclude this question, CJ, I also follow the Imperator because he is quite literally a living symbol of the old ways. Sure, the Imperator might be younger than me, but his ideals are much older than both of us. For example, he wants the Empire to return to original concept where the Emperor is always a male. I personally am fine with an Empress-consort, but the person in power should be a male Duval, just like the good old days.

You were promoted to Praetor shortly after that. How did that come about?

Hmm, I think it came about naturally. Quite early on, I was recognized by both Rainbro and the Imperator for my abilities, and placed as an Admiral (Nauarch); A member of Naval High Command.

Over time as I served, we held a reformation of NHC, and in it, we settled upon the idea of having people in charge of the different platforms in-game. The Xbox and PS4 squadrons both got their head, but Hadrian could not exactly pick between me and Rainbro. So on that end, he kept Rainbro as his 2IC, but decided that due to the prominence of the PC platform to make both me and Rainbro a Praetor.

Perhaps known to some, I became Deputy Squadron Leader once Praetor Rainbro retired to the Socho system. This also meant the end to the dual-Praetor situation the PC platform knew, since now, I am the sole person managing the PC side of things. I do think I am quite capable of doing so, however. If I was not deemed able to, I am sure the Imperator would have selected someone else after all.

As Praetor, what do you think you could bring to Nova?

What I could bring to the future of the Imperium? Well, to start with, I am still trying to continue in Praetor Rainbro's footsteps. He is the man responsible, along with the Imperator, for pulling the Imperium out of the very bad spot it found itself in during the Great Purge, especially once Imperial High Command led by Lavigny's Legion chose to actively help out Commander Milesred in what would eventually cost us most of our systems, including Paresa.

With the Imperium now back on its feet thanks to the efforts everyone has put forth, as well as the Treaty of Paresa being ratified by the Imperial Senate late 3306, I personally hope that I can oversee the completion of both Plan A and Plan G as Praetor of the PC platform. Last but not least, I have extended BGS knowledge thanks to Praetor Rainbro, and so, I can help out anyone who has questions on that field as well.

Do you have an closing statements you would like to add to this wonderful interview?

To conclude, I personally am much into Guardian technology and am currently researching how said technology can be of use for the Imperium. I have already succeeded into augmenting my corvette, but that's not enough for me. Yet, the secrets of the Guardians are a very complex puzzle, not easy to give themselves prize to anyone daring to investigate it. So, let's hope for the best.

And regarding the Imperium? Well, all I can hope is that someday our glorious Imperator shall be recognized for what he is: The rightful heir to the Throne.

We at Paresa News Network would like to again thank Praetor Yumasai for sitting down with us to conduct this interview. We expect to have more interviews in the future with not only Nova Navy pilots, but other Imperial commanders as well.

This is CJ Pryde for Paresa News Network signing off! Stay safe o7!
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