Logbook entry

Letters to mom from CMDR Bryce Lofton

28 Mar 2021CJ_Pryde
Stardate: 20 March 3307

Dear Mom,
My application to the Nova Navy was accepted! I can't begin to tell you just exactly how excited I am. I have been given a unit on Dyson City Orbital Starport. I've met a few of my fellow Nova pilots. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful since I've been here. I'm still green, but a quick learner. I don't think I need to tell you that though. Well, I have to get up early tomorrow to work on my ship. I love and miss you! Goodnight Mom. -Love B-

Stardate: 21 March 3307

Dear Mom,
Sorry for the late message. I was taken out to learn some combat tactics from Nova Governor, Tobi Agentas. He was extremely helpful and very friendly albeit a little tricky understanding his dialect, but an all around great guy. I learned so much in such a short time in the Navy. I love and miss you! -Love B-

Stardate: 23 March 3307

Dear Mom,
The most amazing thing happened to me today!! I was wondering around Dyson City marketplace looking for a new flight suit when I came across the Imperator, Hadrian Duval. The man was extremely polite and well spoken. He was addressing a group of junior pilots still in flight academy. As he was walking past me, I saluted him and he saluted back. I'm still in shock! I love and miss you! -Love B-

Stardate: 26 March 3307

Dear Mom,
It might be a couple days before my next message. The Navy received a call from allies to assist in the Alpha Fornacis system. The East India Company is engaged in an election with Federal pilots for control of the system. The Federal Navy has sent in carriers to transport combat ships into the area to attack EIC
ships. My unit has been activated to assist in the elections so I will be deployed for a week at max. I miss and love you! -Love B-

Stardate: 27 March 3307

Dearest Mom,
I'm so sorry. The air is getting thin and systems are shutting down. I hope I made you proud. You are always and have always been the number one woman in my life. Everything you've taught me. Every mistake I've made. You were always coaching me to do my best. I could have not asked for a better person in my ear. Please tell my friends and comrades in the Navy that I hope I've done them proud. We will meet again. I love you all. Long live the Empi....... {transmission cutoff}

The black box recovered noted that CMDR Lofton was attacked while transporting election data from Alpha Fornacis for the East India Company. The attackers were hunted down by the Green Eagles and they paid for their actions with blood.

(CJ) My friend, you have made the Navy proud. You will honored in the Great Hall on Dyson City.

In Memorium: Nova Navy Kentarch, CMDR Bryce Lofton
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