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Paresa News Network 10-5-3307

10 May 2021CJ_Pryde

Greetings again commanders. This is CJ Pryde reporting for Paresa News Network.

War in Paresa!!
All out war has broken out in the Paresa system between the Imperial faction, Nova Imperium and the Federal faction, League of Mandu. Imperator Hadrian Duval was recently named the NMLA mastermind by the Landgrave of Muhdrid. ACT is currently investigating these allegations alongside Nova Imperium security chief Praetor Leo Magnus. The Federation jumped the gun and invaded Imperial space. This brought a swift reaction from numerous Imperial factions and squadrons. The Imperial Security Council recently released a statement regarding the situation in Paresa:

The Imperial Security Council (ISC) has determined that the Federation, through the League of Mandu, has violated Imperial Sovereignty through its aggressive and illegal actions in Paresa against Nova Imperium.

The pretext for this illegal conflict is the alleged guilt of Hadrian Duval and his alleged involvement with the NMLA. It is worth noting that the NMLA has taken the lives of Imperial citizens as well as the lives of citizens from every other major power in human kind. The actions of the NMLA were a crime against humanity itself, and not just against a single power. The ISC condemns the NMLA and will aid the investigation into Hadrian Duval’s alleged involvement with this vile group.

However, using the allegations against Hadrian Duval to seize Imperial territory, before investigations are concluded, is unacceptable and undermines any prospect of a fair and impartial trial.

The ISC asserts that any aggressive action towards our civilians or ships will be met with resistance. Furthermore, the ISC condemns the invasion of Paresa, pledge to strongly oppose any aggressive actions against Nova Imperium, and urge all pilots to oppose this illegal invasion of Empire space. The following members of ISC endorse this resolution:

*12 Ronin (XIIR)
*9th Legion
*1st Galactic Line of Defense (1GLoD)
*Artemis Corp (ATC)
*Aisling's Angels (ANGL)
*Chapterhouse of Inquisition (COI)
*East India Company (EIC)
*House of Saga (HoS)
*Imperial Corsairs (IMCR)
*Imperial Self Defense Force (ISDF)
*Lavigny’s Legion (LL)
*Lunatics Mercantile Association Of Operators (LMAO)
*Nova Imperium (NONA)
*Praetorian Curiate Assembly (PCA)
*Prismatic Imperium (PRI)
*Shadows of the Void (DRKV)

ISC Source

Admiral Natalia Lee of Harmony's Shield has refused to back down or withdraw even in the face of seeming defeat! She insists that Imperator Duval and his extremists should be brought to justice for all the lives they took. This however is all still speculation as the results of the ACT investigation have yet to be released. Neither Federal President Hudson nor Imperial Emperor Lavigny-Duval have made public statements since the invasion. One can assume they are patiently awaiting the results of the investigation.

Please stay tuned to Paresa News Network for the latest about the on-going war and other galaxy related stories!

This is CJ Pryde signing off.
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