Canonn Challenge Entry 7: Hearth of the Storm - Waypoints 5-6
12 Feb 2021Scopelx
I was had planned to break up my expedition into 4-waypoint blocks, but the previous two waypoints have simply yielded too many notable entries. The Heart of the Storm Expedition has officially exceeded my wildest expectations.Waypoint 4: Shrogeau GG-Y e119
Located in the southern Empyrean Straits, this waypoint is in close proximity to the furthest Guardian ruins from Sol. I spent days scanning systems close to the ruins, and uncovered numerous uncharted brain tree systems. However, my colleagues at Canonn informed me that each Guardian bubble will only harbor Ostrinum or Puniceum trees, but never both, so I was unable to locate any Puniceum. And despite my best efforts, I could not find any of rare Viride variety either. This was the first time I had ever seen brain trees, and they fully live up to their descriptions. Passing through the area I also discovered sinuous tubers, but my composition scanner had a difficult time discerning one variety from another, often bringing back different results from scans of the same plant. Further investigation is warranted to more accurately ascertain the growth conditions of each type.
Roseum Brain Tree
System: Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-6378
Prasinum Sinuous Tubers
System: Shrogeau JB-X d1-771
Ostrinum Brain Tree
System: Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-1914
Gypseeum Brain Tree
System: Eorl Auwsy UT-Z d13-1091
Lividum Brain Tree
System: Eorl Auwsy UT-Z d13-1782
Waypoint 6: Wepaa BA-A g244
Our party split up, choosing to independently investigate several sites of interest. I rode aboard the expedition FC Giant Survey to the Wepaa Sector in Odin's Hold. It was here that the expedition finally laid eyes on virgin systems containing our target: anomalies! Spread across the sector were thousands of black holes, many of them home to K- and E-type anomalies. I had never seen entities such as these before. Were they organic? Sentient? They're very difficult to categorize, and no tool in my arsenal could manage to sample them. If nothing else, they are fascinating and oddly abundant in this area of space. Several expedition members have reported seeing them in multiple systems.
K-04 and E-04 Anomalies
System: Wepaa BA-A g1556
K-03 Anomaly and Lattice Mineral Spheres
System: Wepaa YJ-A f1952
K-05 and K-08 Anomalies
System: Wepaa CQ-Y f2415
K-06 Anomaly
System: Wepaa ZE-A g1481