Cmdr Kael Aubaris
Special agent / Bounty hunter
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Directors Personal Log - Stardate 3302 Apr 13th

13 Apr 2016Kael Aubaris
I've been mulling things over for a while about something I don't talk about much. My parents... It's a sore subject and one I don't talk about much. I don't know if it has anything to do with reading through another Commander's logs or not but it just got me to thinking. Dangerous stuff that thinking is, can get you into a lot of trouble. But I digress. Both my parents were born and raised on Earth, in the Sol system. They met in a little place called Harrogate, in a country called the United Kingdoms. They married aboard a ship heading for Altair, ironically enough. My father was a Lieutenant in the Federal Navy and after they settled in to Solo Orbiter, I was born.

Man the stories I'd heard from both of them about how beautiful Earth was. How badly I've wanted to go see it. But of course, now-a-days you need a permit to go back. I had a permit up until I was 16 because of my dad being in the Navy and all that. Unfortunately I never had the money back then to go and... well my dad never got a chance to go back either. He was out with a few of his Navy buddies and had a heart attack. You'd think in this day and age we'd be able to save someone from something like that, but its just as much a threat as being blown up... My mother couldn't handle the loss. We struggled for years until finally her body just gave up, leaving me alone to take care of myself.

Long story short, my dad died when I was 15 and my mom when I was 17. That's when I decided to join up with the Pilot's Federation. I thought that if I made a name for myself, I could get in with the Federal Navy, get my own Permit and then finally see the planet that both my parents loved so much. Here's to hoping guys, and now you see why I do what I do.

And its not just for me anymore. I've got my own wife and my own son now. I want to take my whole family back to see Sol. To see Earth. Maybe, just maybe, I'll settle us down there. I'd like my son to grow up where his grandfather and grandmother were born and raised. It'd be nice, ya know?

Well, I think this has gone on long enough. Till next time Commanders. And remember, fly safe out there.
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