Cmdr Kael Aubaris
Special agent / Bounty hunter
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Commanders Log - Stardate 3302 Apr 16th

16 Apr 2016Kael Aubaris
Well, it seems that I've come to an impasse. In two foul swoops I've cut all ties to the Federation. Please forgive me dad, for this is really the only course of action. If you were alive today you'd see why I did what I did.

New information about our former President, Jasmina Halsey, was brought to my attention that I really ignored out of my own ignorance. On top of that, I do not agree with our current President's policy. He reminds me of another presidential candidate of Earth's past. His views are of hate for our fellow human beings, just because they believe differently than we do.

What we need right now is peace, not war. And not for that old Earth hippy notion. It's because there's something out there that wants us to weaken ourselves. So I leave you with this, whoever is reading this now:

United we stand, divided we fall. God help us all for what happens next.
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