Logbook entry

ATCNet - 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition

12 Sep 2020Belexticus
> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> net://1432.129.987/ATC/OOCA/Sais41.90625~-112.5625~-36.4375
> Establishing subspace network connection…please wait…
> Enter clearance code: ***********
> Please wait…
> Seeking carrier wave…
> Carrier wave established. ATCDalgarno/432G/δ34.57,α+12.439

> Connection established 182406UTC/33060911
> Connection stable. Ready for transmission.
> Welcome to ATCNet. Stand Together, CMDRs.

> Enter password: **************
> Select subnetwork:
  1. Office of Adjutant to the Admiral
  2. Squadron Command & Fleet Support
  3. Office of Corporate Affairs
  4. Directory of CMDRs
  5. Public ATC Intranet
  6. Gumster’s Bar & Grill
> 3
> Welcome to the Office of Corporate Affairs subnetwork.
> Connection established.
> User BELEXTICUS verified. Ready for submission.

The excitement is almost palpable here, high above Saisiyat A 1 A, aboard the indomitable ATC Sisyphus. This awesome Nautilus-class fleet carrier, commanded by CMDR Commander Eben, is gearing up for its first major exploration mission across the Formidine Rift. Whilst Commander Eben has previously led expeditions of brave ATC pilots into this region beyond the Bubble, this will be the first time that the mission has been supported by the strength, fortitude and sheer elan of a fleet carrier. As we stand here on the bridge of this awesome vehicle and look out of the rear window onto the flight deck, the coming and going of vessels large and small really gives a sense of the level of teamwork that ATC is famous for. From Diamondback Explorers to Type-10 Defenders, ATC CMDRs are bringing commodities and resources to the Sisyphus, readying the ship for its scheduled departure tomorrow. Most important of those resources is the valuable and scarce tritium; power source of the gargantuan frame shift drive required to allow the carrier to reach deep into space. This scarcity, however, has not deterred our pilots. In fact, other fleet carriers, notably the ATC Cash Cow, have taken up position in Saisiyat in order to relinquish their supply of the beta-emitting fuel to ensure the mission can go ahead as planned.

This will be the third mission to the Formidine Rift spearheaded by Astraeus Squadron. There will be many different opportunities for participating CMDRs to indulge in. Primarily, this will be a scientific expedition but CMDRs will not be dissuaded from seeking out other prospects for profit and pleasure. Although CMDR Commander Eben and his staff officers have a set plan, the recent increased security risk in Imperial space has led to them playing their cards pretty close to their chests. We do know, however, that they will be making a stop at the infamous Zurara megaship, part of the historic Project Dynasty, allowing pilots to study and gather intelligence from it.

The ATC Office of Corporate Affairs, at the behest of Commander Eben, has commissioned a mission patch that all contributing CMDRs will be entitled to wear upon their flight jackets with pride. The patch is said to symbolise the collective efforts of all ATC CMDRs, regardless of their squadron assignment, in breaking beyond the barriers of the Formidine Rift and making new and wonderous discoveries.

We expect to see a lot of activity around the ATC Sisyphus over the next twenty four hours. It’s still not too late for ATC CMDRs to sign up for the mission if they haven’t already done so. Long range exploration ships are desirable but all will be made welcome for we, brothers and sisters, stand together. Please make your interest known aboard the ATC Eris.

This is CMDR Belexticus, on the bridge of the ATC Sisyphus, for ATCNet.
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︎4 Shiny!
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