Logbook entry

ATCNet - 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition - Report 5

18 Sep 2020Belexticus
> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> Please wait...
> Drive readable. Hello, Science Officer Lawson.
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Executing stomp.
> NavBIOS formatted. Resetting to Brewer Corporation initial specifications.
> Uploading known cartographic data. Standby.
> System restored. Ready for input.

> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> net://1432.129.987/ATC/OOCA/Sais41.90625~-112.5625~-36.4375
> Establishing subspace network connection…please wait…
> Enter clearance code: ***********
> Please wait…
> Seeking carrier wave…
> Carrier wave established. ATCDalgarno/432G/δ38.11,α+23.71

> Connection established 192205UTC/33060917
> Connection stable. Ready for transmission.
> Welcome to ATCNet. Stand Together, CMDRs.

> Enter password: **************
> Select subnetwork:

  1. Office of Adjutant to the Admiral
  2. Squadron Command & Fleet Support
  3. Office of Corporate Affairs
  4. Directory of CMDRs
  5. Public ATC Intranet
  6. Gumster’s Bar & Grill
  7. More Options

> 3
> Welcome to the Office of Corporate Affairs subnetwork.
> Connection established.
> User BELEXTICUS verified. Ready for submission.

We have arrived - Syreadiae JX-F c0 – a frozen, lifeless expanse, permeated with the foreboding presence of death. At its heart, the taciturn Zurara megaship makes its aimless way around the first planet, its engines still firing and yet one cannot help but immediately think that this vessel is a tomb; a great sepulchre to those whose lives were given in service of its terrible purpose.

Our survey teams have investigated the ship and have again recovered a number of data packets, most importantly two sets of audio logs that give insight into the tragic fate of the crew. Strangely, the second set appears to have been recorded by the enigmatic ‘Rebecca’, who is associated with the listening posts in the Teorge System and, by extension, the whole mystery of Salomé. Is this a link to greater and stranger things? Not even Dr Bowman can say for certain. But what we can say is that to our knowledge, the Zurara marks the point at which the Formidine component of Project Dynasty came to its wretched end.

It is our intention to remain here in the Syreadiae Sector for a few days to conduct a number of scientific experiments and for our explorers to examine the surrounding systems. Deep within me, however, is a strong desire to leave this place. The word “Formidine” refers to a dread so powerful that it scares you rigid. It certainly lives up to its name.

This is CMDR Belexticus, high above the Zurara megaship, for ATCNet.

Video Link: 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition - Report 5
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