Logbook entry

ATCNet - 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition - Report 6

22 Sep 2020Belexticus
> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> net://1432.129.987/ATC/OOCA/Sais41.90625~-112.5625~-36.4375
> Establishing subspace network connection…please wait…
> Enter clearance code: ************
> Please wait…
> Seeking carrier wave…
> Carrier wave established. ATCDalgarno/432G/δ34.12,α+17.48

> Connection established 194624UTC/33060922
> Connection stable. Ready for transmission.
> Welcome to ATCNet. Stand Together, CMDRs.

> Enter password: **********
> Select subnetwork:

  1. Office of Adjutant to the Admiral
  2. Squadron Command & Fleet Support
  3. Office of Corporate Affairs
  4. Directory of CMDRs
  5. Public ATC Intranet
  6. Gumster’s Bar & Grill

> 3
> Welcome to the Office of Corporate Affairs subnetwork.
> Connection established.
> User BELEXTICUS verified. Ready for submission.

Sabotage, subterfuge and now…attempted murder. It is both a blessing and a misfortune that I am now speaking to you from the med-lab of the ATC Sisyphus, having being hospitalised in a vicious attack just outside my quarters after returning from a tritium supply run with CMDR Phekdak. I myself do not recall exactly what happened, but it would seem that the assailant was a member of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, who, as we have already reported, had embedded themselves on the fleet carrier before it departed on its mission. Thankfully, I have suffered only a concussion, but this has prevented me from reporting on the 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition for the past few days. Being laid up in the ward has enabled me to reflect on the Artemis Creed that binds us together, remembering that ATC brothers and sisters ‘silently destroy the enemies of the Corporation.’ The crew of this mission have rightly lived up to this: with good fortune, my attacker was set upon and apprehended by our new member CMDR Regenerate83 and hauled to the brig. During the subsequent investigation, the Star Marshal extracted a confession from the man, Jayden Everett, and ‘convinced’ him to give up the names of a number of co-conspirators serving as low-level members of the crew. Satisfied of their guilt, he sentenced them to that death which their treachery amply merited – a swift evacuation from the airlock. Out in the void, there is only natural law.
Despite this, the mission has achieved its objective. We have explored the mysterious and foreboding Formidine Rift, have surveyed the abandoned Rift settlements of Project Dynasty and investigated the cold, saddening hulk that is the Zurara megaship. We are on our way home.

In the interest of increasing security and to avoid interception from NMLA agents, we have taken an unusual route home; one different from that which was originally filed with ATC Operations. As we approach Saisiyat once more, we can now share this information with you. Striking out to the galactic north-north-west of the Zurara, we made it to Rho Cassiopeiae, a magnificent yellow-white hypergiant star. Using this as a waypoint, we then plotted a course for ATC space via BD+55 191, a system of four spectacular blue-white giants deep inside the NGC 281 Nebula, onwards to the comforting purple hue of the Bubble Nebula and then via the North America Sector. En route, our CMDRs have engaged in various activities for glory and enrichment. Great explorers like CMDRs Jax D’Stanth and Commander Eben have made their mark on uncharted parts of our galaxy, whilst titans of cosmic justice CMDRs Alligator and Phekdak have been honing their combat skills, including carpet bombing, in preparation for more opposition to the treasonous NMLA. I am also happy to report that elation erupted in the C-Deck CMDRs Lounge when we learned via the subspace network that Artemis Corporation had come third in the official CQC Championship, much to the efforts of the indefatigable CMDR Arash.Sh.

And what have I learned on this expedition? I’ve learned that I can truly rely on my ATC compatriots. I’ve learned that we all have our own story to write but that turning a story into a legend requires fellowship, collaboration, endeavour and overcoming great challenge. I’ve learned that the best cocktails are served in Eben’s nightclub on G-Deck. And I’ve learned that the next adventure is just around the corner.

This is CMDR Belexticus, within 500 light years of Saisiyat, for ATCNet.

Video Link: ATCNet - 3rd Formidine Rift Expedition - Report 6
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