Logbook entry


18 Nov 2020Belexticus
> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> net://1432.129.987/ATC/OOCA/Sais41.90625~-112.5625~-36.4375
> Establishing subspace network connection…please wait…
> Enter clearance code: ************
> Please wait…
> Seeking carrier wave…
> Carrier wave established. ATCDalgarno/243G/δ24.24,α+4.658

> Connection established 144422UTC/33061118
> Connection stable. Ready for transmission.
> Welcome to ATCNet. Stand Together, CMDRs.

> Enter password: **********
> Select subnetwork:

  1. Office of Adjutant to the Admiral
  2. Squadron Command & Fleet Support
  3. Office of Corporate Affairs
  4. Directory of CMDRs
  5. Public ATC Intranet
  6. Gumster’s Bar & Gril

> 3
> Welcome to the Office of Corporate Affairs subnetwork.
> Connection established.
> User BELEXTICUS verified. Ready for submission.

What is the pinnacle of human achievement? Fame? Wealth? Power?
It is none of these things. It is a combination of three virtues. Dedication. The selfless serving of others. And solidarity in fellowship. The loyal and committed members of Artemis Corporation who are currently engaged in the Hawking’s Gap expedition aboard the ATC Sisyphus fully embody these qualities. And not only our intrepid explorers – all our faithful members from Fleet Admiral to academy recruit are doing their part to make this mission and the operations of our squadron a success.

Commanders like PenguinBystander and Steveyboy89 are the embodiment of dedication; having flown out from Say-see-at through dangerous deep space to join our expedition crew.
Commanders like CunningStunt and Commander Eben embody the serving of others; bank-rolling our mission and navigating our fleet carrier as we progress along our journey of discovery.
And commanders such as Phekdak, Nyle Locke and Jax D’Stanth are the sincerest examples of my brothers in space. They have the courage to live and be true to the highest standards, and are never too far away to offer a helping hand or a friendly word.

This is why the activities of Artemis Corporation continue to be defined by a single word. Success. ATC is greater than the sum of its remarkable commanders.
The ATC Sisyphus continues to push forward into the Hawking’s Gap, bringing with it more success through its mission of discovery and wonder. Here is an update on the activities of our commanders over the last few watches.


This part of the galaxy is very tranquil but one should never let their guard down. We had left the Guardian ruin sites in Eta Carina, having gathered various samples and relics. Although we had not encountered any major technology, experience has shown us that where the influence of Guardian applied science has been, unwelcome forces are drawn. With the threat of Thargoid hyper-diction and attack being entirely possible, the Star Marshal ordered all duty personnel to engage in combat practice. Keeping those skills sharp is always beneficial so our commanders took the opportunity to engage in some gentlemanly sparring practice.
I myself am no combat pilot, but I was able to join in the action aboard Commander Jax D’Stanth’s Vulture. The flight engineer’s seat was the perfect vantage point to view the action.
Although our commanders are encouraged to defend themselves if assaulted, Artemis Corporation has strict codes of conduct with regards to attacking pilots, and in these training sessions our duelling commanders respect each other as warriors.

Perhaps these pilots could consider taking the tests to join our esteemed Spartan wing of expert fighters. I’m sure the Battle Marshal would welcome the opportunity to train them in the art of martial science.
After the practice, we enjoyed a fine cocktail or two in Eben’s Nightclub – a perfect, relaxing end to a very active day.


After thirty years of being lost in deep space, the last surviving evidence of the Project Dynasty mission to the Hawking’s Gap was found. One of our major goals of this expedition was to visit them for ourselves. Having checked with official records and by decoding data from unregistered beacons, we were able to locate the four abandoned settlements which are the only known remnants in this sector of this whole sad affair. Paying our respects, we descended onto the four planetary bodies where we found the cold, lifeless townships.

Artemis Corporation prides itself on looking after its own. We would never send out one of our commanders on a mission that is doomed to fail. As this is second nature here, it is heartbreaking and upsetting to hear of incidences of such callousness and treachery. We have all heard the stories of Project Dynasty. How men and women were sent out on these missions to find Earth-like worlds, with no intention of bringing them home. These were suicide missions from the start and those who funded them were nothing short of being murderers.

Doctor Bowman made his observations for his archaeological survey. Perversely, I felt a sense of hope at these settlements after reading some of the settlement logs. I can’t really explain it, but I could feel that the people who wrote them were courageous pioneers. Where they went, we do not know for sure, but they reminded me of ancient heroes like Captain Scott, and of strange and mysterious legends like that of the Roanoake colonists. We would leave this place with a renewed respect for all explorers and a stronger bond of fellowship between us.


As a community, Artemis Corporation has an undying passion for three things. Professionalism, success and enjoyment. If a commander is to be successful he or she must be professional, and out of success, enjoyment will be derived. We at ATC believe that this can be achieved with the expedient, judicious, and diligent execution of the doctrine that binds us altogether – the Artemis Creed. Laid down many years ago, the Artemis Creed outlines the responsibilities of all pilots who fly with our letters-of-marque. Our Fleet Academy members swear to uphold the Creed at a ceremony presided over by a member of our Senior Command team, thereby gaining the squadron patches they wear so proudly on their sleeves. Staff officer and academy recruit alike however are all are welcome to join us in our missions and our expeditions. We now return to report on the joint Hawking’s Gap – Conflux Expedition where seasoned veterans and raw recruits continue to achieve their success.


Nothing can prepare you for the landscape of David and Goliath. Named after two legendary figures from thousands of years ago, the awe-inspiring mountains of these twin planetary bodies are like nothing I have ever experienced. Perched on the top of the highest mountain for a thousand miles, I felt totally at peace as I surveyed the world below me. The lure of the unexplored galaxy becomes irresistible to a pilot, as the gravitational pull of a black hole draws in its surroundings; they can't fight it. My father taught me that this was so common, the ancients of Earth had a specific word to describe it. They called it wanderlust. And it is wanderlust that is satisfied by such sights as these.


Having passed by the orange-red radiance of the Cat’s Paw Nebula, the Sisyphus arrived at Labirinto. This was the halfway point, where the Hawking’s Gap mission would end and the Conflux mission would start.
The ATC Trismegistus arrived in splendour; she had made it safely to the rendezvous point. Professional to the end, our commanders put business before pleasure and aided in the transfer of fuel and supplies. We were then dismissed to explore Labirinto. As David and Goliath has been the princely planets of mountains, so Labirinto was the queen of valleys and canyons, the surface scoured as if a great axe had fallen upon the ground.


Nobody has ever landed on the facetiously named planet called Momma’s Boy. Nobody. The planet lies within the exclusion zone of an emitting white dwarf, never straying far from its parent, but luring any unsuspecting pilot to their deaths. Emission data recorded, it was time for some rest and relaxation. Commanders Phekdak and Stevey-boy provided the entertainment in the form of a sparring match. Ever the professionals, my brothers did not fight to the destruction of their ships. That would be for another day.

This is Commander Belexticus, inspired by the beauty of the universe and of the magnitude of our teamwork aboard the ATC Sisyphus, for ATCNet

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