Logbook entry


02 Dec 2020Belexticus
> Welcome to the ATC Sisyphus Local Network.
> Terminal ready. Standing by.
> net://1432.129.987/ATC/OOCA/Sais41.90625~-112.5625~-36.4375
> Establishing subspace network connection…please wait…
> Enter clearance code: ************
> Please wait…
> Seeking carrier wave…
> Carrier wave established. ATCDalgarno/378G/δ13.74,α+1.789

> Connection established 172415UTC/33061128
> Connection stable. Ready for transmission.
> Welcome to ATCNet. Stand Together, CMDRs.

> Enter password: **********
> Select subnetwork:

  1. Office of Adjutant to the Admiral
  2. Squadron Command & Fleet Support
  3. Office of Corporate Affairs
  4. Directory of CMDRs
  5. Public ATC Intranet
  6. Gumster’s Bar & Grill

> 3
> Welcome to the Office of Corporate Affairs subnetwork.
> Connection established.
> User BELEXTICUS verified. Ready for submission.

The Scutum-Sagittarii Conflux Expedition pushes further away from the bubble, we continue to make new discoveries and face new challenges. The greater challenge however is back home in Artemis Corporation space. We have received word via our subspace network that Director Dania Salazar of the Board of Directors has acquiesced to a request from the Imperial Navy to step up production of capital-class ships in Mandh, one of ATC’s most important systems.

Traffic has already increased in Mandh one hundred fold, as ships of all class haul supplies to Miyasaka Orbital, one of the principal stations in the system. Unfortunately, where there are decent and honest traders and couriers, there are also the deceitful and treacherous. Marauding hordes of pirates, murderers and assassins have descended upon this usually-peaceful place to bring misery and death.
However, the brave pilots of the Artemis Corporation Spartan Wing promise to do whatever they can to protect righteous commanders whilst in ATC space. If you find yourself in distress whilst working in our systems, call us.

We now return to the Conflux Expedition for an update on what our valiant explorers have achieved over the past week.


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