17th Logbook Entry - Station Evacuation Nearly Complete
04 May 2022VladmirMcDoogle
Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition."5th Day of search and rescue is complete. Looking at the roster of missing people and goods, we're getting close to having the station fully evacuated. If I had to guess then I'd say just one more full day. As long as the pilots on the front lines can hold off the 'goids for a little bit longer then these stations should be evacuated and ready to be repaired.
By the end of the night I should have around 26,000 people and goods evacuated. I'm hoping to have a little over 32,000 evacuated by the end of all this. Not bad for my first search and rescue operation. I'm keeping it short again tonight - still need to focus on the finish line here.
Commander VladmirMcDoogle signing out."
Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.