18th Logbook Entry - The Final Search and Rescue in Sosong
05 May 2022VladmirMcDoogle
Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition."It's the end of the 6th and final day of Sosong's search and rescue operation. All of the personnel and goods in the station have been evacuated successfully. My final tally is 32,142 rescues for the week. My goal was 32,000 so I just barely hit the mark. I'm proud of that.
Now that it is all said and done I'm sticking to my objective of checking out planetary surfaces around the Bubble in search for anything Thargoid related that we may have missed. That means all those far off stars and planets from the system's primary star that are over 300,000ls out need to be searched. I've got a lot to do. Hopefully Salvation's superweapon is up and running soon. For now, though, I'll enjoy a much earned and needed rest. I'll sleep in and then begin my search first thing in the morning.
Commander VladmirMcDoogle signing out."
Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.