58th Logbook Entry - INARA Rank 1 And First Commander Ever to All Tier 5 Medals... Complete!
05 Oct 2022VladmirMcDoogle
Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition."It's been a hell of a month. Today, after turning in the last of my data, I have become the first commander to ever fully complete all accolades at tier 5! I'm far from The Bubble so it'll be about 10,000LY worth of jumps before I can celebrate being back home safe and sound. I plan on gearing back up for AX combat since we still have rouge anamolies wandering around. I'm probably pretty rusty after having spent so much time only in supercruise in an exploration Anaconda for so long.
Before I do that I'll take some time to myself. I'm docked at my named station, Vladmir McDoogle's Triumph and will probably hang around for a week or so before I set off for The Bubble. If you end up at this station stop by and say hello. Dinner and drinks are one me.
Commander VladmirMcDoogle signing out."
Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.