Logbook entry

My first short exploration trip.

28 Apr 2016Sweetsaprik
Having burned myself out on combat for a bit (and making a nice 40mil just for moving my bounty hunting from Tollan to Phiagre for a few days), I figured I'd take a short trip to my favorite star. Having always seen it and never been there it seemed like a decent destination for a first attempt at some minor exploration. Spending a day or so "dipping my toe in" to the shallow end of exploring didn't seem like a bad idea.

Only made it about half way there before I decided to return. I'll try again in the future, and this short trip gave me a really good idea of what minor changes I'll be making to my exploration build. I did manage to hit Alnitak and Mintaka though, which were also on my list of relatively nearby places to visit. Made it back to the bubble unscathed, and was about to pull into my home port in Asellus Primus when I got a surprise visit from an angry Python. This would have been less of a scare if I'd brought proper shields on my journey. I hadn't. Pulled into the garage still sweating bullets and with about 45% of my hull left.

Now back to my main ship, and another short trip to deliver my exploration data to Azrael.
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