Logbook entry

Fight for wakata

Captain's Log, Day 1:

Today marks the first day of the Second Thargoid War. As a veteran pilot in the wealthy pilots federation, I have been called upon to defend our territory against the insectoid aliens known as Thargoids.

Initially, we are vastly outnumbered, as we are not part of a fleet but rather a group of solo pilots. The superpowers have yet to react to the arrival of the Thargoid invasion fleet, leaving us to fend for ourselves.

I am currently stationed at Wakata Station, located in the HIP 23716 system. Our mission is to defend the station at all costs, as its loss would signify a major setback for our efforts to repel the Thargoid threat.

As I write this, I can hear the sound of laser fire and explosions in the distance. The battle is fierce, and it is clear that the Thargoids are determined to take our territory. But we will not go down without a fight.

Despite the odds against us, I remain confident in our abilities. We are skilled pilots, and we have the determination and fortitude to overcome any challenge.

As the day wears on, I will continue to fight for the survival of our civilization. Until victory is ours, I will continue to do everything in my power to defend Wakata Station and our territory from the Thargoid threat.

End log.
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