Logbook entry

Booze Crusse

As a member of the PTN Squadron, I am fortunate to be part of a group of wealthy CMDRs who make a living by trading valuable goods across the galaxy. Today, we are participating in our monthly "Booze Cruise" event, where we journey on fleet carriers to sell high-quality wine to stations in need.

Our final destination is a small outpost located over 5000 light years from our starting point. The journey is long and arduous, as our fleet carriers can only make 500 light year jumps at a time. But the rewards are well worth the effort, as the outpost only buys wine at outrageously high prices once a month for a holiday celebration.

As we approach the outpost, I can see the station's small docks and trade terminals, bustling with activity. It is clear that this is a popular destination for traders, and we are confident that we will be able to sell our first load of wine at a high price.

However, our excitement quickly turns to frustration as we realize that the station is too busy, and there are not enough landing pads to accommodate all of our cargo. We are forced to sell our wine in smaller batches, which reduces our potential profits.

We have 1400 tons of wine to sell, but we can only unload 288 tons at a time. This is a major setback, and we are all feeling frustrated and disappointed. But we remain determined to sell as much wine as possible and make the most of this opportunity.

End log.
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