Logbook entry

CMDR Log #2: 16-JUL-3301 04:12:43

16 Jul 2015Reykur

The bounty hunting opportunities have dried up for the moment in Wolf 906. Whether my prey have moved onto greener pastures, or I have ground them into the dust - who can say? Regardless, I have scoured the system in search of profitable bounties,  and come up with little more than Adders and Cobras.

The pilots handled their craft well enough, which leads me to believe their funds are running dry - or their bosses don't want to throw good money after bad. If I were on a crusade against these pilots, I'd keep my boot on their throats. Unfortunately for the system, however, I'm after a payday. Let the zealots deal with the rest of the pirates, if they're able.

As for me, I've moved on to greener pastures.

I docked at Hudson Orbital to prepare for my journey. Ivy's Grace, while potent in combat, is not exactly a long-range craft. She would need every ounce of fuel I could get into her hull for the trip to... wherever.

Where to go, though? I hadn't heard any chatter about systems inundated with criminals. Every system has them, to be sure, but if I was going to go through the effort, it had to be worth my while.

Glancing across the galaxy map, my gaze settled on a medium security system by the name of Fusang - an Independent system, with a minor Federation presence. According to the data, the system was laden with metals and minerals. And of course, where there are minerals, there are miners. And where there's sheep....

It would have to do.

I headed back to the Grace, pleased to see that the services crew was done prepping the ship. Dropping into the pilot's seat, I looked across the controls. Everything was ready, poised for the trip. Keying up the comms, I requested departure clearance from Docking Control, released the ship from her moorings, and drifted clear of the platform. Landing gear raised, I boosted through the mail-slot and into the darkness.

Plotting the system into the computer, I noticed that I would use very nearly all my fuel. As with the route yesterday, Grace didn't complain, but I wasn't going to risk it a second time. Keep playing Russian Roulette, eventually you lose. I had the Grace recalculate for a less direct, but much more efficient course, which ended up saving nearly half a tank of fuel. Not even I could get lost enough to run out before arriving at my destination, knock on synthetic-wood.

As I bounced from star to star, I paused to bask  in the warmth of the orbs, wishing  I could remove my helmet and relax - but knowing I'd be instantly blinded. Instead, I bid each fireball farewell as I shifted to the next.

Arriving at my destination, I immediately made way for  the only station in system - Cleve Vision. As anticipated, it was held by an independent faction, a corporation by the name of Fusang Fortune Commodities. Understandably, Dock Control was leery of the new visitor to their hangars, but gave me landing clearance without any fuss.

Refueled, I decided to take a look around my new hunting grounds. As would be expected  of a medium-security system, the police force was somewhat lacking in numbers. What they lacked in force was easily made up for in attention to detail, as I was scanned twice  on my way out of the dock. All my bounties behind me in other systems, however, I let the scan run, and noted the all-clear message.

I opted to begin my hunt in the furthest metal-yielding belt from the station, where I figured pirates would enjoy the delayed response from any authorities. To my dismay, as I dropped out of supercruise I found myself in the middle  of pitched battle. Shaking off the surprise, I immediately began the hunt for ships with bounties on them, lending my twin large gimballed burst lasers to the authorities' fight.

I'm not sure how long the battle lasted or how many pilots lost their lives in the engagement, and I suppose I don't really care. The number that mattered was the two million credits I cashed in after returning to the station. I think the security lackey in charge of distributing credits did a double-take at the number.

That's right, buddy. I'll clean this place up for you, so long as you keep forking over the money.


It turns out that my day wasn't over. After  returning  to the Grace, I noticed a message waiting from me from some clandestine agency with the Federation. Apparently my activities in Fusang didn't go unnoticed, and I was tasked with a mission to retrieve some data from a wreck a few systems over in CORE SYS Sector GH-M A7-3. What a mouthful.

The agency offered immediate  promotion from my current rank of Petty Officer to Chief Petty Officer with the Federation if I was able to retrieve the data and smuggle it back to Cleve Vision.

The mission was successful, and barely  would've been worthy of a log, had it not been for some fool in a Sidewinder that interdicted me a few thousand clicks from the station. I didn't get time to see his name before the Grace vaporized him. Poor bastard.

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