Logbook entry

CMDR Log #3: 26-JUL-3301 02:18:19

27 Jul 2015Reykur

Fusang and its light security forces have been... good to me. Not directly of course. They refuse to officially acknowledge the assistance I've given them, but my presence in the Cleve Vision's various bars have been met with covert nods and anonymous drinks served 'on the house'. I'm inwardly amused at the dichotomy of the system. Independent forces desperately fighting independent forces, with the ever present influence of federation control, all the while under the subtle tug of Zachary Hudson. These politicians would love to believe their independence has been hard fought and won as claimed in their history books - wars, civil (if there is such a thing) and otherwise, on top of simple heavy-handed negotiations and treaties.

If only they knew. Any of the Empire, Federation, or Alliance for that matter could easily carve this system up for itself if so desired. The simple fact of the matter is that their independence is ironically the choice of the Federation - a power play to make the subjects of Fusang supply the Federation war machine via oppressive trade negotiations, instead of outright control. Subjects work harder when they think they're working for themselves.

I have come to learn that the local security of the system is laughable. My original impression of the force was incorrect; their entire posturing of elitism is simply a bluff. I see through it now in their ineffective handling of crime and punishment. The local pirates and subversives have already seen through this bluff, and call them on it daily. That's where I step in.

Fusang, feeling generous with their coffers fattened from their high-tech trade schemes, cast their bounties far and wide, and the boldness of the local mafias make it quite easy to find them. The funds of these groups seem to be limitless, as they show up in top-of-the-line craft in open space, completely fearless in the face of local security. Given the ineffectual fighting power of the local security, who can blame them?

As I sit now in Ivy's Grace, I can't help but smile. The pirates are vicious and hateful, but they are supplying me with an ever-growing nest-egg. In the last several days, I've amassed well over 20,000,000 CR in bounties. Cleve Vision's graveyard shift at the Security Office is manned by a kid barely old enough to work, and night after night he has been green with envy as I've collected more of a fortune than he'll ever see in his life. It's obvious in his eyes that he routinely imagines my death at the hands of my own greed.

Instead I continue to survive my engagements. I've yet to be truly tested in combat, I know. You only get better by fighting someone better than you, and these pirates whose days I routinely ruin have no one to improve their skill. Trading and mining ships don't exactly make for exciting dogfights. Thus, with no impressive force to fight, I've plateaued. Somewhere out there are pilots that could take my piloting to the next level, however. I just have to find them.

To that end I have joined a loose... alliance? Syndicate? I'm not quite sure what to call these pilots collectively. Regardless, they refer to themselves as Ghost Squadron - a coalition of bounty hunters that seem to follow the same creed that I do - follow the money. As it happens, it seems that the money they're following is in trading. I suppose I don't blame them - a fast buck is a fast buck, but the thought of moving cargo for some tycoon... no thanks. I'd just as likely fall asleep and steer my ship into the nearest star - and frankly, that sounds like a better evening. Speaking with a few pilots over subspace comms, however, it seems this is a temporary thing for them; they appear to hate it as much as I do. While they make their fortunes crushing their souls, I'll stick to making mine by quickening my pulse in combat.

Still, Fusang is already becoming a chore. It's depressing how with all the vastness of a solar system, your days so quickly decline into a state of tedium. The same routes, the same dingy cantinas with the same dirty bar-flies, the same star burning the same palette into the same planets and moons. I need a change of scenery. Perhaps I'll hit the proverbial galaxy map dartboard before catching some shut-eye, and head out into the great unknown.

Perhaps I'll get back to my roots a bit. Targeted assaults and assassination missions. Yes, that should do nicely.

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