Logbook entry

CMDR LOG #7: 19-JAN-3302

19 Jan 2016Reykur


---- [Clandestine Operations Reacted] ----

Afterwards, I returned to Phiagre to pick up the Aurora Ray to refit her for combat. Moving to the planetary outpost of Fernandes' Progress on Atfero A 1, I'm having the shipwright remove her Cargo Racks and install an 4A-Class SCB. Of course, if my contacts need me to haul something for the good of Phiagre Industry, I will do so.

It's always entertaining, playing these factions against each other for the good of [REDACTED], Sovereign Justice Collective's leader. She has decided that she wants control of the Sopheos station, and my successful strategies that acquired her Victoria Chappell has earned me her trust.

Ghost Squadron has proved to be up to the task. CMDR Veyder has entrusted me to be the liason between SJC and GS, and I have guided our squadron to the fall of National Phiagre Movement which granted us Victoria Chappell, and expanded SJC's influence to the relatively distant and minor system of Tjakulcade and the booming system of Jera.

Tjakulcade was an easy system to conquer. Jera will be more difficult. For now, I have my agents that Dear Leader has granted me planted within the system, however I have instructed them to gain trust and pay attention. I want them to be able to exercise their influence when the time comes.


While the shipwright has been refitting the ship, I have been out in the SRV surveying the surrounding landscape. I've come across a few new minerals, but little else.

While I've been gone, I've been reconsidering the ship's configuration. Little has been putting up the fight that requires more than one SCB at this point, and the flexibility of the cargo rack is convenience. Therefore I've just cancelled the order with the Shipwright. As it turns out, they'd just been about to open her up, so the timing was fortuitous. Of course, I did get some static for wasting their time. I was appropriately apologetic, however it was for the sake of being diplomatic. I knew that with the amount of business I brought the port, they wouldn't hold it against me.

I'm now heading into the city for some nourishment before returning to Phiagre to check on my contacts.


Having just docked at Sopheos, I fired up the Comms panel to check on my contacts. It seems that the new pirate faction, Dulos Hand Gang, is doing their best to undermine the system with several contracts out for smuggling and other nefarious deeds. I'll continue to keep an eye on their status, but my agents report that they are not gaining much traction in the system. With Ghost Squadron routinely destroying their ships along side the hired guns of the System Authority flying under Dear Leader's banner, they seem to remain unpopular and unable to get much profit, if any.

One of my agents in Phiagre Industry has tipped me off to a contract for some trade data being exchanged in SHUI WEI SECTOR PO-Q B5-7. Before another pilot can pick up the data, I'd like the chance to look at it myself and see if there is anything worth looking at. This type of espionage is not uncommon, but if there is anything of value, it needs to go to us.

Otherwise, all seems quiet here.


I landed in a system that has no government and no contacts on scanner. The phrase quiet... too quiet jumped into mind. It was long before I picket up a weak contact on my scanner. I dropped out of super cruise to investigate.

It seems that the Phiagre Indusrty had valid intel, but someone else had gotten to the transport first.

They didn't bother to collect the trade data floating nearby. I, however, did. A brief check shows nothing of consequence, however. I see no reason not to let Phiagre Industry have this one. I'm curious who attacked this vessel, though, so I'll hang around for awhile on the off-chance I see anything interesting.


I happened upon a distress signal nearby. Intrigued, I dropped in with hardpoints deploy, ready to protect myself. I turned out to be late to the party, however. A ship seems to have been destroyed. I called in a favor to a Phiagre officer that won't ask too many questions. After jumping in, he notified me that he had found a black box from the craft. No doubt he'll get some gratitude from his superiors on the find. I asked if he'd share the data with me before he left. Without saying anything, I saw the data pour in over the comms. I thanked him as he high-waked out.

The rest of the craft he left to me to salvage, if I wanted. The rest of the containers contained beer and wine - not something you leave floating in space for too long, or the container's atmosphere controls will fail, spoiling the contents. I quickly went to work acquiring it. It's containers were keyed to whatever craft had been carrying it, meaning I'd need a black market to unload the contents. Too bad. I could use a drink.

I'm jumping back into supercruise to see what else I can learn before heading home.


Nothing else is coming up on scanners, so I'm returning to Phiagre. My first port of call will be to my black market friends on the surface of Coate's Wreck at Moskowitz Town. Then I'll be returning to Sopheos to hand over the data I've acquired.


These bastards. Sometimes I cannot wait for this minor faction to get so full of itself that it challenges the Collective in open combat. I'll finally be able to make my part in their destruction known.

Having returned to Sopheos, I brought the data I had acquired to my contact. Handing it over, he reviewed the data, only to tell me it's not what he's looking for. He thought I didn't notice the keystrokes that would copy the data to his workstation. He handed me the disk and, with a smirk told me to go try again.

Resisting the urge to smash his face in, I made my way back to... whatever that long ass system name is. Somehow I stumbled across more trade data. I, again, analyzed it. More garbage.

I headed back to Sopheos, only to be interdicted along the way by someone of the Dulos Hand Gang. A "Jonte Nick". I'm not familiar with the pilot, but I have no doubts that he was either hired by my Phiagre Industry contact, or the office was bugged. I made short work of him and returned to the station. My contact's face didn't register surprise to see me, so perhaps he was innocent.

Still, I used the opportunity to put a marker on the data this time. If this new data comes across the desks of any of my agents, I'll have this guy dead to rights on theft, and will be first on my list of people to... punish... when Dear Leader takes this station for herself.

Unsurprisingly, he claims this data too is not what he's looking for.

Back on the Aurora Ray, I think I'll find a nice quiet spot on an ice moon to turning in for the evening. The iridescence is a nice sight to wake up to in the morning.


I've nestled myself into a nice small crater at PHAGRE 6 A, coord: 0.0994/-176.9085. I've powered down all non-life support systems and will be heading back to retire momentarily. Final fuel check shows consumption rate of .05T/h, with a full main tank at 8T of fuel. As long as I don't slip into a coma, I'll be fine.

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