Logbook entry

CMDR LOG #8: 20-JAN-3302

20 Jan 2016Reykur


I've spent the better part of the day relaxing in the cabin of the Aurora Ray and gazing out across the quiet icy hills of PHIAGRE 6 A. The 15 day night of this side of the moon makes for a good night sleep, knowing that you needn't worry about the sun prematurely waking you up. The reflection of the Milky Way overhead provides a soothing light, making you hesitant to engage the cabin's garish illumination.

But, duty calls. Checking my fuel, I see I've burned a bit less than a ton in the past several hours. With all my systems offline and heat vents closed, I've been doing my best impersonation of a rock here in this crater, and rather than give my position away with my heat from initializing my systems, I figured I should take a peek around the vicinity. I don't want to bring any hostiles down on me while my shields are down.


The coast is clear. I admit I admired the scenery more than scouted, but I'm sure that any craft withing 500km would be instantly visible against the night sky, and my SRV's scanners aren't picking up anything on the surface. I'm returning to the ship, looking forward to the bumpy, slippery descent into the bottom of the crater.

Once I'm there, I'm going to have a quick scan of the area. You never know what junk you'll find on the surface of a moon.


Well, I wouldn't call it 'pay-dirt', but I did find an abandoned structure of some sort. Several canisters of Tea were nicely stacked, obviously awaiting transport. I'm guessing that the owner is either moving in or out. Likely the latter, considering the lack of anything except ice and the occasional chunk of meteor laying around.

Still, it's hard to guess how long they have been gone, or if they're even coming back. These miniature installations are often the homes of smugglers and pirates, tucked away on uninhabited landscapes, far outside the patrols of the System Authorities. I have no qualms taking this shipment. I could use a cup of tea, and no one at Sopheos will notice a few leaves missing when I take it for sale. These rudimentary canisters don't have encoding mechanisms, so as far as anyone can tell they're legitimate.

I'll go brew myself a cup and head off.


Sitting at my console now, I noticed that I'm wanted. Apparently the site was rigged with a proximity sensor, which I tripped. It's not a huge concern; the bounty is a brief one - more a note for future legal matters than an actual punishment. In fact, I've noticed even as I type this that the bounty is waiting to be cleared - something that for some strange reason requires leaving the system to reset it. I've never understood that. It's like the System Authority want to make sure you've gone and bothered someone else before you return.

Regardless, I'll just take a shortcut around CD-61 6801, now low on the horizon from my vantage point. Then I'll be on my way to Sopheos. Witchspace is often the fastest way off a planet, if you have the fuel.

Once I've docked, I think I'll take another run at my Phiagre Industry contact and try to hand him the same data as yesterday. Maybe he's dumb enough to take it this time. It is probably wishful thinking, but you never know.


Strange. As I came out of Witchspace in CD-61 6801, a pirate, Pala, attempted to interdict me in an FAS. Happily I was in the Ray and he was easy to take care of, but I wonder how he knew I would be there. Or maybe it was just an attack of opportunity. Who knows. I'm jumping back to Phiagre where I will make some inquiries.


No luck, on any front. My contact didn't bite, but had the audacity to offer me another contract "to make up for my failure". Perhaps Dear Leader will let me air lock this man once our take-over is complete.

The contract will take me into the nearby system of Findja, where I am to eliminate a military leader by the name of John Galt. I have less than an hour to find him and take him out, so I'd better get to it.


It appears my contact does, indeed, have a bug in his office. As I was nearing the lift that would take me to my hangar, a man claiming to have some ties to Phiagre Industry stopped me. He didn't have any distinguishing marks that I noticed, nor did he bear any sign of rank. Either an agent or a liar. Regardless, he offered me nearly triple my other assassination contract to do a second one back in CD-61 6801. The target, this time, a local celebrity named Paul Gregory.

Frankly, I don't care if I get paid for this one or not. Paul Gregory, in my opinion, is a blight on the system. It will be a pleasure to be rid of him. I watched the money move into escrow, and finished making my way toward the ship. I'll swing by Moskowitz on the way out and unload these "stolen" items in my cargo before seeking my targets.


No troubles selling off the Tea. On to Findja.


Now I sit and watch scanners for my mark.... and there he is. How fortuitous. The pompous prick is in an Orca. This should be easy. He has low waked into normal space at Seyfert Installation. I wonder why, considering he can't land there.


I've been made. He appears to have jumped back into supercruise while I jumped in. He has also called in reinforcements. A friend of his has interdicted me in a Clipper. Time is working against me, along with half the system.


I've dispatched the Clipper and am back on the hunt. Hopefully the Clipper didn't think to notify my mark that he was being destroyed...


He's back in SC. I'm in pursuit... Interdiction tether established.... Got him!


==Transmission: AAR==
Time of Destruction: 03:09
Wreckage location: FINDJA (UNKN)
Recoverables: NONE

Notes: Mark did not offer up much of a fight, resorting to bribery to attempt to prevent his death. Two wingmates, a pair of Sidewinders, jumped in just in time to see their friend come apart. Whether they were in the grip of rage or blind devotion is unclear, but they pressed their attack. They joined their wing leader in the afterlife.

==Transmission: Contract Update==


With John Galt destroyed, I can move onto my next target, Paul Gregory. Jumping to CD-61 6801.


I've landed in system and am monitoring contacts.


Target acquired.... Interdiction tether established.... This guy must have a professional pilot. Almost lost it there.... FSD interdicted, entering normal space.


==Transmission: AAR==
Time of Destruction: 03:36
Wreckage location: CD-61 6801(UNKN)
Recoverables: NONE

NOTES: Mark was accompanied by two wingmen. Piloting suggests professionals involved. Request immediate payment.

==Transmission: Contract Update==


Pricks. You'd think if they sent you after a mark that's being escorted by professionals, they'd have the courtesy to pay you instead of wasting your time on a return trip. Still, that I even got a response is heartening. I think this may have been legitimate after all.

Low on fuel and ammunition, I need to head back to Phiagre and restock. Maybe I'll visit the bar while I'm there.

Jumping to Phiagre.


I've docked safely at Sopheos, and my contacts actually were true to their word. I guess given the record of the ships' destructions, there is no way they could shirk paying me. Still, having a could hundred thousand extra credits is nice. Unfortunately, my trip to the bar must be delayed. Dear Leader has asked me to personally check on each of the system we have a presence in.

After checking in with my contacts here in Phiagre, I'll head to Tjakulcade and Jera. I expect the mission will be without excitement, so I won't bother logging the results.


I've finished surveying our systems and reported our progress to Dear Leader. Things are going well thanks to the tireless pilots of Ghost Squadron.

I've decided to take a few hours to myself here on Michell Orbital in Jera. It's a small outpost, and generally treat pilots coming through well. Tomorrow I will begin drafting a State of the Faction to present to the squadron. The pilots should be reassured that we're making headway.

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︎4 Shiny!
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