Logbook entry

CMDR LOG #11: 09-FEB-3302

09 Feb 2016Reykur
//> SEC JJF#: ***********
//> ....
//> ....
//> .... SENT


It's been, what, 14 days I've been trapped on this remote station? The repairs to my ship have only just started. At least I haven't been lonely. The various pilots grumbling around the various bars and lounges gives us all a sense of camaraderie, even if the occasional fight breaks out for no apparent reason. At least the Asp Explorer is being worked on.

I've been in near constant contact with my agents in Phiagre. The situation is growing critical. With my inability to meet personally with any contacts, CMDR Coragon has been keeping tabs on the status of the systems and has been working with some of my agents on my behalf. Our campaign is nearing fruition. 

After months of cultivating, now that everything is coming togethe, I should log what I can for posterity, should something 'untoward' happen to me before I'm able to make it home.

Our subtle manipulations with Phiagre Industry [PI] and the other factions have finally made serious traction. A recent and brief upswell in piracy flying under the banner of the Dulos Hand Gang [DHG] served its purpose. I have no doubt that PI and DHG were legitimately working in tandem to oust the Collective, but we needed to make sure that the right pieces were put in place at the right time. Therefore we had several pilots auspiciously working for Phiagre Industry and Dulos Hand Gang, each doing their part to foster the appearance of a covert relationship.

Of course, we needed to make moves within moves, and Dulos Hand Gang is a pirate faction. Innocent lives were being lost in our gambit - a fact which weighs heavily on my heart. Fortunately we were able to make our move quite quickly.

The Dulos Hand Gang, while convenient for being so anti-establishment that they'd make easy allies for Phiagre Industry, were also comparatively weak. They needed to go. Their removal, however would leave a power vacuum that had to be filled, preferably by a much more stable and wealthy faction. With my agents in Jera having successfully managed to worm their way into the various command structures of the controlling faction, Jera Holdings would make an excellent replacement.

Jera Holdings [JH] was the kind of faction that was routinely seeking to overtake new systems counting on their outrageous wealth and power in their capital system to overcome resistance. That they've spread so far so fast would put them in a uniquely over-confident yet decidedly strained position should they attempt yet another invasion. They would be perfect to replace DHG in Phiagre.

As we began executing the plan, the movement of the powers was like a ballet. Orders were dispatched simultaneously from the Chancellor and CMDR Veyder, and SJC (naturally bolstered by GS pilots) began systematically crushing the Dulos Hand Gang. Meanwhile I had my sleeper agents begin speaking of the weakened state of Phiagre within JH High-Command; of how easy its conquest would be. 

They took the bait hook, line, and sinker. As the System Authority finished cleansing the final stronghold of DHG, Jera Holdings immediately made its presence known.

Playing right into our hands, one of the ministers of Jera Holdings requested an audience with the major factions of Phiagre. As soon I received word of the development, I arranged a meeting with one of Arias' trusted aides. I urged the Chancellor to forgo attending the meeting, allowing the rumor to be seeded of an alliance between the invaders and PI. 

This play left SJC in the sole position as the savior of Phiagre. SJC were heroes - the faction that crushed piracy in the system and refused to entertain the courting of an invading faction. In an expertly savvy political move on her part, Arias also provided offices on Greeboski's Outpost and Victoria's Chappell to the Jera Holdings representatives that were in every way superior to their offices on Sopheos, doing much to dispel the notion that she was unwilling to hear the voices of opposition.

The populace are drawing to the factions' corners. On the one side, booming trade and the now-obvious support of Jera Holdings lends weight to Phiagre Industry's call for support as the foundation for future prosperity and stability in the system. This is juxtaposed against the clamor for justice that can only be provided by our benevolent dictator - the champion of the weak and wronged, the arbitor of truth against the corruption of a corporately-run Phiagre.
Therefore in a final bid to spark the conflict, I have had to burn two of my agents within Phiagre Industry and Jera Holdings, asking them to allow a transmission to be captured that could cost them their lives. The true heroes of the struggle, they played their part. Transmissions intercepted, they were taken into custody by SJC Authority, and now await trial. I am doing my best to delay the proceedings from Maia until I am able to secure their release.

The effect was immediate, however. No doubt noting my recent absence, Chancellor Arias issued a message to CMDR Veyder - a dispatch that no doubt should have gone to me. I admit I am concerned what the ramifications of being out-of-contact with Arias will be, but I hope Veyder will be able to deflect the truth of my absence. There can be no sign of weakness among our ranks right now.

All that said, Veyder was kind enough to pass along the dispatch to me, and while it was wholly textual, I have no doubt of his pleasure at the development.

CMDR Veyder,

Phiagre Industries has been charged with corruption and mismanagement of the Sopheos Starport. Calls by the citizens of Sopheos for Phiagre Industries to rectify their practices have have fallen on deaf ears for months.

As of 02:13hrs, our ministry of communications intercepted transmissions which have implicated that Phiagre Industry is actively attempting to undermine the Sovereign Justice Collective by funding criminal operations to destabilized the region, the lastest of which involved a joint venture with the Dulos Hand Gang. Not surprisingly Phiagre Industry has links to the newest system faction Jera Holdings.

I see no other course of action to deal with this betrayal than to declare war. After we crush these criminals we will invade Jera and bring their system under our control for their treacherous role. I want a swift and decisive victory.  Prepare your squadron...

Zahra Arias
Chancellor, SJC

Similar messages were issued to the various dignitaries around the system, and none went through secret channels. Phiagre Industry, incised at the accusation, immediately began mobilizing forces. The other minor factions have predictably remained quiet, no doubt wanting to avoid the ire of the victor in this power struggle.

And now the final chapter is upon us. I expect fighting to break out any day now, and here I sit in this crappy room on a station some 400 LY from where I'm needed. I can only hope that the repairs to the Asp are swift.


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