Logbook entry

Stevenson's Forge Power suits Developement Department Series (P.S.D.D.S.)

29 Mar 2018The benevolant
SF/PS-10 Mark-7.

-Project NX-0102.

-Codename/Series: Elysium.

-Category: Human-size Remlok-compatible "Second Body" power suit extension.

-Height: 2.30 meters.

-Weight: 160 Kg.

-Width: 0.70 meters (between shoulders)

-Number of unit currently produced: 3 (2 Fully operational Mark-7 armor only coded for Marcus and Lazarus, an unmanned version designed for ARTEMIS itself. And another prototype called Mark 6.5 that served for the conception of the Mark-7 to be tested by Marcus squad members from the 11Th legion for a potential use for special assignements.)


This legacy Exo-suit was originally created Benevolant's great-grandfather, Marcus-Antonius I in the midst of the first Thargon wars, just before the Federal Admiral Hudson went rogue, leading to the Priva's Massacre and was one of the first use of reverse-engineered Thargoid Techs recovered from their Combat Exoskeletons and contribute to the Xeno-reverse engineering speciality of both the 11th Legion and his bloodline, During his lifetime, he has upgraded multiple times until Mark-4 build before his death.

Each successors have maintained the suit and they never ceased to update it. when Benevolant receive the suit, it was the Mark-6 build.

With his experience in armory, smithing and engineering/mechanic, he update/rejunavate* from Mark-6 to Mark-7, fixed current issues, rework the helmet to be fully-retractable meaning it is integrated to the suit and add prehensility.

But just like his Great Grandfather before, he has going even further.

Always by using all of the knowledge gains on both Thargoid and Guardians technology, After numerous tests and a ridiculous number of guardians stuff burned in the process, He, with a small 11th Legion science team and Ram Tah engineers data, found a way to make them work together without rejecting each other.

The suit has going under another overhaul, every original model components - Armor, System/Internals and Neuroptics - have been rebuild to integrate Guardians techs founds on several fields thargoid organic materials directly sampled from their ships including a heart that was segmented and fused with the suit, eliminating the fuel consumption and altering internal core modules especially thrusters power plants, considerably increasing it's overall perfomances, resistances, power output and motricity. It also prevents ice build ups and provides survivalbility on planets with extreme atmospheric pressure such as ammonia worlds.

This upgrades have making possible the installation of a set of thrusters -including Dorsal, Boots and Elbow Thrusters (to augment melee capacity and mobility) and also stabilizers installed beneath each hand palm thrusters - making it flight-capable and able to reach Mach 8 in a 25 seconds - and Experimental force shields instead of ordinary issue shield generators.

The exo-suit also increased strength, higher enough to enable the user to lift, drag or push an object of 50 tons maximum in normal condition and 100 tons when the overclock is engaged.

In addition of the regular armor, a special version was made to test and incorporate the Autonomous Prehensile Propulsion system in it which means every pieces can fly separatly and wrap itself around user's bodyparts, occasionally hitting ennemies who cross their paths with extreme prejudice.

The suit is also equipped the Multi-Specter Vision systems which, in addition of the default night and Infrared/Ultraviolet, also have X-Ray vision and Electric vision that allow the wearer to see energy flows, that feature was used by the 11Th Legion during boarding operations to sabotage ships power distribution system and pinpoint power plant signature locations.    

Elysium suit core elements:

-Helmet neuroptics:
- -Personalised A.I. assistant.
- -Multi-Specter Vision Systems "Vampir"
- -Advanced Multi-Target Acquisition Hardware.
- -Custom Tac-HUD.

- -Hybrid armor plates:
Meta-alloy/Thargoid Composite material have been added to the original titanium/Gold mixture, making it considerably harder than the original Mark-6 armor design.

- -Xeno-Kevlar articulation joints:
Made from Thargoid resin infused-silicon to make it tougher and more flexible, greatly increased mobility without reducing the durability.

- -"Adaptativ" nano-plates:
Placed on all surfaces, this tech can provides a extremely low RCS that grants a passive near-immunity to both Station and Ship scanners and also can mimic the radar signature of nearby object when needed to deceive ennemies "Friend-or-Foe" target systems.

-Available hardpoints:

- -2 Wrist hardpoints.
- -2 Forearm hardpoints.
- -2 Elbow harpoints.
- -2 Upper arm hardpoints.
- -2 Shoulder hardpoints.
- -2 Scapula hardpoints.
- -2 Hips Hardpoints.
- -2 Thigh Hardpoints.
- -2 Kneecaps hardpoints.

- -Self-Sufficient Micro Power Plant.
- - Thrusters set.
- -Frame Shift Blink*
- -Life Supports
- -Power Distributor Wiring.
- -Sensors
- -Synthethic Muscles Fibers.
- -Custom Force Shield Generators (primary and secondary)
- -Lightbending cloaking device

-Integrated weapons/equipement:
- -Repulsors.
- -Universal beam.
- -Micro-Rockets.
- -Kinetic Cutting Beam.
- -Clamps.
- -EMPs.
- -Sonic Pulse.
- -Light Flash.
- -Magnetic boots

-Additional Weapons, defenses or alternative parts:
- - Raptorial blades.
- - Blast spears.
- - Electric claw
- - Static whip.
- - Jackhammer heavy gauntlets.
- - Shield.
- - Plasma channeling gauntlets.
- - Plasma accelerator.
- - Plasma repeater.
- - Multi-cannon.
- - Canon.
- - Frag/Flak Cannon.
- - Laser cannon (pulse, burst or beam)
- - Mortars (Light, Medium, Heavy, M.I.R.V., Inciendiary).
- - Howitzer (Light, Medium, Heavy, M.I.R.V., Inciendiary).
- - Multiple Rocket Launcher Artillery (MLRS).
- - Rail gun.
- - Rockets/Missiles (Dumbfire, Seeker, Pack-hound, including ATA*, ATG*,ATS*, GTA*, GTG*,GTS*,STA*, STG*, STS* warheads.)
- - Flamethrower.
- - Grappling gun.

//100% completed, evaluation / test flight passed.//

//Loading Post stress-test perfomance results//

Load thresholds:
- -Light load: from 0 to 250 Kg.
- -Medium load: from 250 to 750 Kg.
- -Heavy load: above 750 Kg

- -Light load: SS+: max speed (thrusters)/500 M/S. Bosst speed: 900 M/S. Agility: 10/10. Acceleration (0 to 100 M/S): 0,55 seconds.
- -Medium load: A: max speed (thrusters)/325M/S. Boost speed: 450 M/S. Agility: 6/10. Acceleration (0 to 100 M/S): 1,05 seconds.
- -Heavy load: C+: max speed (thrusters)/275 M/S. Boost speed: 375 M/S. Agility: 4/10. Acceleration (0 to 100 M/S): 2,10 seconds.

-Strength factor(with heavy load):
- -Lift over head: A+
- -Lift off ground: A+
- -Push or Drag; S+

Additional Special equipements:

SF/EX-ARM 2/1H "Terminator"

A "work in progress" Super-Heavy extra-armor chassis, which attached itself to the Elysium Mark 7 armor, multiplying it's overall perfomances by 20, Speed is reduced to 15%.

With a size of almost 35 meters tall, the chassis have it's own internals modules and is equiped with the same hybrid armor/Xeno-Kevlar joints set and with 2 hardpoints especially designed to carry huge weapons such as a class 4 railgun long range artillery* or any capital ship size weapons from both majestic-class and Farragut cruiser.

This heavy duty is designed to take down bigger threat such as the fearsome Thargoid Juggernauts ground units as well as Scouts and defend itself against alien ships like Hydras and eventually Guardians heavy Sentinels.

The chassis will also use the "Adaptativ" nano plates tech combined with it's own enhanced sensors arrays is perfect for long-range strikes and can be switched to Close-Quarter-Battle mode since the chassis also come with a melee software will enabled to use its size and mass to perform powerful strikes. It's versatility make it perfect for lone wolf mission.

Due to it's size and armor thickness and larger force shield generators, all small caliber and class 1 weaponry are ineffective against it, while class 2 weapons will only deal negligible damages.
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