Logbook entry

Stevenson's Forge Research & Developement projects : Y/SF-C3X II RC and Y/SF-C3Z II UA.

25 Jul 2017The benevolant
Codename: Super Cobra and Digital Cobra

Category: Stealth Multirole space ship prototype/Demonstrator.

Ship Frame: Cobra MK3.

Default color: 5-color "Operational Camouflage Pattern" for the Super Cobra  and 5-color "Pea-Dot" disruptive camo pattern for the Digital Cobra.

Hull mass: 140 T.

Shields: 500 MJ: 100 MJ when Silent running V2* on.

Cargo Capacity 18 T.

Power Output: 18.4 MW.

Top Speed: 375 M/S.

Boost Speed: 560 M/S.

Heat effeciency: 0.23

Agility: 7/10

Other feature(s):

*Silent running V2: designed for the Super Cobra & Digital Cobra due to their improved heat effeciency, decreased the shield generator capacity down to 15% of it's original capacity and and reduce the power allowed for the SYStems battery to not exceed 25% (1pips max) while rerouting the exceeding to the WEaPons or ENGines depending of the situations  


Using a heavily modified version of the Tele-Presence and AI technologies, the cockpit and canopy of these 2 Cobra Mk3s have been completly removed, reducing slightly the pilot compartment, equipped with two modified escape pods where all the flight controls and the flight boards HUD of the original of the original pilot seats have been installed and an advanced life supports systems for the King Cobra while the Queen cobra is fully automated and have its life supports removed since it can remotly controlled by an AI or a Commander from anywhere.    

The Super Cobra received the connection for flight interface and the electro-neron synpase interface (COFFIN & ENSI) allowing the  commanders to have a direct connection to their ship by using a modified Remlok Suit, and instead of sitting on pilot chairs  the pilot and gunner are "burried" inside modified escape pod featuring an advanced life supports module in semi-elongated position instead of the classic sitting position.
The system enhanced the pilot awareness in Spatial/mesospheric/atmospheric engagements, the ship also featured an array of sensors and cameras mounted on the ship's body that transmit live pictures of its surroundings to either interior screens or the pilot's Remlok helmet.

In the other hand, the Digital Cobra is fully automated and have received the "Zone Of Endless" systems, a tactical and adaptative interface designed to allow either Benevolant or his personnal AI ARTEMIS to assume full control of the ship from any place of the galaxy, and capable of using advanced combat techniques and maneuvers, the life supports module have been replaced with advanced electronic warfare equipement reinforced against EMPS.

Instead of the original cockpit with a round-ish glass canopy, both ships have a fully-enclosed armored canopy made with two flat hull plates, using the same material used for a ship's hull, improving the ship's aerodynamics and profiles overall.
both ship have been upgraded equally with a thrust vector control system, improved horizontal/vertical auxiliary thrusters to increase it's overall agility, coupled with a set of fins mounted all around the back of the ship  frame for a better handling during atmospheric/mesospheric flights.

The heat vents were modified to receive a new cooling system to help managing the heat inside the ship and the thrusters module was moved slightly to the front of the ship and the drives exhaust pipes were modified and reinforced, allowing to bury the drives inside the ship frame, reducing the engines trails brightness, reducing the exhausts flow's temperature enough to decrease it's heat signature 45%% lower without sacrificing perfomances making the drives more difficult to hit and changing the exhaust flow color from bright blue to pale orange/white since resulting to the lower than average temperature.

They were also repainted with very specific patterns:

The Super Cobra use a Redux of the 2400 years-old Federal Operational Camouflage Pattern "Scorpion W50".

The Digital Cobra use a 5-color pattern called "Dot-29/44" based on the "Flecktarnmuster" created on Earth in 1990 and available foot-soldiers, vehicles and ships as well since 2944, used for both planetary and spatial combat, it's also used by bounty hunters for combats in Ressources Extraction Sites because it allows their ships to blend perfectly within Metallic/Rocky/Icy asteroid fields, making them really difficult to noticed.

Despite their appearance remains the same as a normal Cobra, their hull were rebuild with thermoshaped Orthogonal armor plates made of Human/Thargoids hull composite plates remodeled and mounted on the frame wich increased the Thermal, Kinetic and Explosives damage resistances overall by 35% and making them immune to Thargoids EMPs all external antennas and sensors have been merged under the hull.

It also tend to disrupt other ship sensors, scanners and Remlok Tracking systems, reducing their effectiveness and range by 70% in normal condition and 35% during combat greatly handicapping engineered sensors and and making normal sensors pratically useless, they also can generate decoys and randomly dissappear for a short period of time making them able to jammed gimballed/turret tracking, missile launchers lock-ons and rendered fixed weapons aiming corrections systems useless.
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