Logbook entry

://Commander detailed File//:

15 May 2016The benevolant
- -Born in 3265 on the planet Stevenson in Phiagre System (Before the SJC takeover) as an Imperial citizen under the name Marcus-Antonius, son of Rheinus-Marcus an Imperial navy Duke(Father)who was a imperial Officer, Bounty Hunter and Mechanic and Lorenzia-Celenia, an Astro/Xenobiologist, member of an independant Scientific assembly wich later became know as the CANNON.
- -Travel around the Empire and raised and educated by his parents on the ship I.N.V. Alexandria (A modified Imperial Clipper outfitted for trading and astrologic studies) part of the Family's Fleet.
- -Leave the family's Fleet to integrate an Imperial School at 8 years old, in 3273.

- -Get accepted to joint the Imperial Navy Military University at only 11 years old, in 3277.

- -in the year 3279, he was selected to join the Duvalian Youth Order, at the age of 13, an ultra-imperialist group composed of 15 genetically pre-disposed children wich are gifted or genius in a specific domain, all selected by the Emperor himself and mentored by the Emperor Hengist and his Elite Guards Division, following a strict education and training program to prepare them to succeed to their superiors/mentors when they will retired or be killed in action, for example. Rumours says they also go under an "constant" Bio-Engineering program which include genetic manipulations to match the genome profile of one of the 15 Emperors, when he finish his service and return to civilian life, he has goes under a total of 42 genetic augmentations procedures, making him a Category-4 genome.

- -Join the Pilots Federation in 3280 at the age of 15, one of the youngest pilot's scholar of the academy and meet Luciel Mironella Of Summerland, a prodigy like him but in a different way, with whom he started a relationship in September 3281.

- -Get his Pilots Federation License in 3283.

- -Come back to Capitol on Achenar to start a military service among the Imperial Navy in mid-3283 in the Imperial Special Forces to recieve a training to be a support specialist soldier and an expert armorer while continuing with genetic augmentations focused on ground combat and endurance for 8 years.
- -Was reclassified as a Class-2 Genome soldier with a total 88 augmentation.

- -Was autorised by the Imperial Navy High-Command to meet a bounty hunter master and join him as an apprentice From January 3291 to June 3294.
- -Complete his initiation and get registered in the galactic bounty hunters's database and reintegrate the Imperial Navy.

- -Joined the Honorable Duellist Association of Summerland with Luciel Mironella in the same promotion for 2 years in 3294.

- -Serve as a crew member as co-pilot/armorer on the S.S. Benevolant (Anaconda-class Combat ready ship) lead by the Imperial captain Liese Jaeger in 3296, He was promoted after the previous one retired after forming Marcus as his successor to the post he occupied.
-S.S Benvolant responded to an assistance request From Weiss Orbital's Administrator in 34 Pegasi to help the station to prepare Spatioport's evacuation in the early 3298.
-Volunteered himself to help System Defence Force to cover evacuation ship's escape and create and lead the FOX-34 squadron with some Benevolant's crew member and some Spatioport Security Forces and Advanced Tactical Response pilots who survived the initial attack and menage to reach the station, to help protecting the convoy of ship full of Civilians..
-Assigned with the FOX-34 Squadron to protect the Spatioport to the Kumo Crew Strike Force while Liese finish to embark the last civilians Included the station administrator.
-S.S. benevolant and FOX-34 Squadron get ambushed in a patrolling mission by a Kumo Crew Elite Watchmen wing, leading by Archon Delaine's most trust lieutenant and his Mental doppleganger, know as Colonel Leon "Komodo" Palvoski.
-"Komodo" and his Two wingmen Black Mamba and Bliss challenged the Fox-34's Squadron leader Marcus and S.S Benevolant's captain, Liese, in a Duel to death in a mine field.
-Killed Black Mamba by shooting a burst of plasma repeater energy after breaking his canopy cutting him in half.
-Marcus's fighter incapacited by an EMP pulse trigerred by Bliss, loosing consciousness due to the Electric surge that follows.
-Saved by Liese Jaeger who rammed Palvoski with her python and throw his ship inside the minefields and triggerring a chain reaction, Palvoski get destroyed. Bliss retreated with the few Kumo Crew Watchs remaining.
-FOX squadron's survivors Recover Escape Pods from the Benevolant's wreckage and Liese's pod as well who was critically injured, she died from her injuries at an Imperial Navy's medical center, the day after.
-Marcus and the S.S Benevolant crewmen buried Their captain on The Capitol's Military Cemetary where she received honors and tribute from both the imperial navy, her former crewmen and Marcus.
- -Leave the Fox-34 Squadron and give the lead to his lieutenant and best friend, Kestrel and give a final order to him: help and protect innocent people in needs, whenever they are.
- -Following his achievements during the 34 Pegasi, in 3299, he and the S.S Benevolant's crew members were invited in the Emperor's palace to recieved the badge of honour The emperor's commendation of bravery, the imperial navy iron cross insignia from Hengist Duval Himself for Saving The people of Weiss Orbital and fiercely protected and evacuated civilians and, despite being outnumbered, opposed and crippled the Kumo crew Raiders by killing their General, and recieved the honour -him and the whole crew of the S.S. Benevolant- to have a place in the hall of the heroes, an hologram, representating Second-Commander Marcus and his former crewmates and captain can be found. He also have been made Knight of the Fire Eagle Order.

- -In 3301, Join the 11th Legion , an order composed of 3514 Elite soldiers/pilots and hardened veterans and genomes soldiers and pilots from all around the Empire, excelling in almost various fields of discipline (Martial and Technical), operating in the Human space -mostly in Imperial space- on their own and only responding to the Duval's family, One of the oldest, most versatile and Resilient Imperial Legion in activity.
- -He participated to the War against the Emperor's Dawn, 11th Legion recieved the Duval's benediction, cell by cell, they obliterate the entire group, Capturing VIPs and destroyed remaining resistance pockets.
- -After capturing the last Terrorist's outpost, his squad was ambushed by a group of Emp.Dawn insurgents, Marcus was hit by a HE rocket explosion and was transport to the Achenar Military Hospital and was stabilized but still have his vital prognostic engaged*. Critically injured, Shell-shocked and half-uncouscious he lost his left arm, right leg and his left eye in the explosion, receiving multiple shrapnels that punctured his lungs and brokes 7 ribs. He was put in an artificial coma during 3 weeks.
- -While in the coma, he received experimental implants and grafts, Bio-engineered with his DNA to minimize the reject probability and make the transplations process easier and more stable. The operation was a success and no secondary effects, until now. The process was lead by the Doctor Salomon which will became one of his closest partners since the Cerberus plague outbreak, he's also responsible for the creation of his clone Lazarus who replace him during the entire convalescence period.
- -During his time at AMH, in addition of the Bio-engineering grafts and organs transplantations/replacement. he received 15 genetic augmentions focusing on his survivability for futur fights.
--Was reclassified as a Class-1 Genome, the highest class reachable with a total of 103 augmentations, no major augmentations were registered after it.
- -Move his bureau away from Achenar/Capitol during the mid-3302 to relocated them to his home system Phiagre in the former Governor's Palace in the Stevenson Imperial District,  built during the Hender Saik Duval era, 220 years ago in the Antique Roman style revisited and improved, that building used to shelter both the Imperial Embassy and offices and also the Governor's villa, with all the original blueprints and plans of the building found in the Capitol's archives, he surpivised the restauration of the entire structure that used to be call the Phiagre's Jewel.
- - After the restauration finished, the 200 imperial Slaves who works alongside with Benevolant were all freed and he give them new shelters in the enclave.
- - A stele made by benevolant himself was inaugurated with a group photography where we can see Benevolant with the 200 workers Standing proud in front of the restaured palace, it also include the name of everyone who has contribute to the restauration Then he decide to invest his off-shores founds*  to start the reconstruction/rehabilitation the Stevenson Imperial Citadel and all others Imperial enclaves .
- -When the Stevenson Patronnal election started, he decided to deposit his canditature for the post.
- -After a long and merciless electoral struggle and the elimination in the first turn of the outsider Patreus-affiliated Patron, Benevolant lost the election, but he still have the large number of supporters among the imperial citizens from all around his home-system but, so he decided to rather invest time and credits to help the Phiagre Imperial Community and reinforcing their system defenses.
- -Promoted to the rank of Prince by the Chancellor Blayne.
- -Promoted to the rank of King, by the Admiral Patreus.
- - Leaves Denton Patreus's ranks.
- -Have met Yuri Grom during a military summit.
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