Logbook entry

Fortune and Foolery

17 Apr 2016Me3se3ks
As my luck would have it I have struck fortune as of late. I found a fairly reliable trade route and was able to trade in my old rust bucket for a brand new Type-6! I almost had my good fortune blown to Hell by a particularly risque pilot camping the dock in a Cobra. I drew fire from my Wingman and the Cobra focused all fire on me. I managed to scurry into the Dock with a measly 6% hull integrity left. Only to find that the dock in question was not rated for Ship repairs. Of course a simple sneeze would have blown me into a million pieces of metal and cargo but i was determined to Escape with my hull intact. So I jumped across system as fast as my Swiss Cheese brick would allow to repair and Haul Ass out system. All in all a fairly successful day with only one moment of (almost) Certain Doom!
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