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The Galactic Federation Sets out: Rescue of Kris part 1

24 Apr 2020ParzivalVibes
I was jolted out of a blissful doze, I didn't know why all I knew was the asteroid field I slept in didn't feel as safe anymore. I was parked on one, my landing gear locked onto the rock surface by its spikes. I sat up in the cot I had set up in the con for late nights, it was both my command deck and office.  Walking over to the Captains chair I inspected the helm and saw the usual blip of one of my collection limpets out in the belt. It was still whirring away collecting the stuff from yesterdays work.

It was then that I noticed the red blinking light on my comms link. It was then I knew in my gut that something had happened to someone I knew. Opening comms I called out, " Hello? Anyone there?".  " Parzival.... thank god. I'm almost out of fuel...Life support is about to come on...", It was Kris, a long time buddy from my Smuggler days, he was my wing-man even when Ken, my co-pilot, joined me he stuck around. He had to be in serious trouble reach out after five years. " Kris...why me? Why call me now?" "I don't know Parzival, I guess I saw the end coming and thought about old friends... I'm on my last bottle of Liquor." I could hear him sigh through the comms panel. The low hum of life support in the background resonating across the stars all the way to me... " What system are you in?...." I said.

As it turned out he was in Col 285 Sector SY-R d4-112, A real backwater system with no reigning government and no stations nearby. In fact fuel stars weren't common in those parts. It was no wonder he was out of fuel. HE had to be up to something new, more smuggling? With a heavy sigh I leaned back into the Captains seat and thought of what it took to get back where I was... The Galactic Federation was still new, not even a minor Faction yet, and we had a dedication to those in need... This was a tough decision... With a flick of a few switches the lights in the Con flashed on bright, illuminating Industrial Milled Aluminium panels, Titanium Floors and Transparent Aluminum glass covering the cockpit. The Anaconda Roared to life and I felt the ship vibrate roughly for a few seconds before it settled. Like a lion waking from its slumber. Loudly I announced over open comms, the low whistle of the warning system echoing in the halls and rooms of the ship before my voice could be heard. "Attention Crew, All hands on Deck All hands. This is a Priority one alert, prepare for rescue mission! All Bridge crew to the con!" I winced at the authority I had in my own voice, not liking that I had to command the ship myself, I was a commander after all. My voice was only ever soft, it was the admirals jobs to yell and bark, but this was my old friend.

Within minutes I could hear boots all over the ship hitting the ground, Admiral Ken ran in and took his post next to the captains chair standing. I quickly stood up vacating the seat he was meant to take, and he shook his head. "No Commander, you have the con. I'll stand. This is your mission." Greatful, I sank back into the chair, the Helms-Woman came running in and snapped a quick salute to us before taking her post. Her hands danced quickly over the controls and with a rough jolt I felt the landing gear come off the Asteroid we'd chosen to make camp on. It fell away as we rose up through the swirling dust and asteroids, the field made great cover for a small military group. The sensors Came to life, pinging and whirring loudly. Proximity warnings, contact pings, radar pings, and more all joined together into a din so loud it could contend with the sound of nails on a chalk board. I sighed again, wishing for my quiet quarters on Borann A2. " Can we shut off this noise please? I can barely think!" Almost at once the noise was gone, all that was left was the ping of the radar and hum of the ship. "Thank you."

"Helm, Set course for Col 285 Sector SY-R d4-112. Don't tell me how many jumps just set course. Tell engineering to ready fuel limpets." I said.
"Fuel limpets? Who needs fuel Commander?" The admiral replied, " An old friend..." The Captain bustled in with a few of the Petty Officers from various divisions, and he gave a informal salute, a touch of two fingers to his brow. Once at captaincy the notion that theirs higher ups almost drops away but the respect keeps them from crossing lines they don't need to cross. This captain in particular used to be a system authority Pilot which gave us a great benefit with his know how. "Captain Aaron, you already know of course Supreme Commander Parzival?" The admiral stated the question as if to remind the captain of his manners, A joke between the three of us, the captain was of course a close friend of ours and rank independent had helped us on many occasions before Finally Joining the Galactic Federation. His cracked, crooked smile, made the scars on a once handsome face stretch into an almost painful grimace. His eyes were steel grey, and his hair was shaved almost to the skin. His crooked nose and scars the only evidence of the service he'd rendered. "Aye sir I do, Now if he'd get out of me chair we could get started." He growled, Obviously in need of coffee after being roused so roughly from sleep. The admiral cackled loudly as I stood up, and turned to face the young captain. "Watch it now, I'll have your rank kid, here your seat. Helm has current heading already". As he took his seat he looked around at us expectantly.

I smiled knowing he knew the game by now, After a few minutes silence he said under his breath "Get on with it!....", finally after a moment longer I yelled loudly, Ready to be done with the command of the con and ready to go to the dfac for some food, "Captain has the con!" I could see the Captains Smiling Grimace form as he started barking out orders to various officers, with no need for the Admiral and I to be there I leaned forward and told the captain to summon us when we arrived, and we walked to the lift together.
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