My first trek to Colonia
02 Sep 2020RustInPieces689
September 2nd 3306Got a case of space wanderlust, so I stripped down my already pretty light Anaconda that I named the 0urobouros & decided to plot a route 20k ly out towards the center. Got to 227-228 jumps away out of
the staggering 298 before fatigue gave me a flying elbow.
Nothing of interest found yet, aside from a couple big & pretty blue-whites here and there. Nothing that hasn't already been discovered by someone else. I forsee a lot of this to come.....
Thinking maybe should have hit Jacksons or that other neutron star in that 18 Camelwhatchmahoozit system & hit up a boost, as I don't have a lot of fsd injects so I need to save those.
Fuck me flying sideways, why did I listen to my gut AGAIN? Trifid Nebula was the first, Lagoon Nebula was next, now it's fucking Colonia of all places! I must be losing it to space madness haha...ha...haha....*sigh*
If I find anything neat, pictures will happen, logs will be made etc. For now, I fly the (hopefully) friendly skies