Cmdr IndigoShine
Mercenary / Hacker
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Sentinel Security Forces

Logbook entry

The Underbelly of Mayhem

29 Apr 2020IndigoShine
Mission Location: Lacaille 9352 (Gupta City)
Mission Objectives: Retrieve HN Shock Mounts from Imperial courier (Eliminate courier with no witnesses)

Acyd Burn and I were assigned this mission. We traveled to Gupta City to await the courier. There are 1000's of rich Federal snobs living and doing business here. We wandered down to the wards to see what nonsense we could get ourselves into. Acyd pointed out this topless bar called The Crow's Nest. I used my drone to highlight wealthy marks we could "acquire" some credits from. Sadly, only a few rich folks slithered down here. I pointed out one individual who had an extremely large wallet. He was chatting the owner's ear off. Very aggressively I might add. It wasn't until he pulled out a large sum of credits that the owner seemed to pander to him. The two of us seemed intrigued by this interaction so we decided to tail them. We had plenty of time before the courier arrived anyway.

They went into what seemed like a storage container. The "client" walked out 3 minutes later dragging a young woman along with him. She did not want to go, but was forced to. I looked at my partner and she said we gotta make this pervert pay. I used my laptop to hack into the bar owner's computer. He's been doing this for years and no one has done anything about it. A few little clicks and swipes and now his funding is gone. All credits he earned through these "transactions" are now diverted to a woman's shelter in the station. Acyd trailed the man and woman to his room. She managed to sneak up behind him and render him unconscious with an injection of Labrat's famous "sauce". She ordered the woman to head to the shelter where the other captive women I sent there. "This son of bitch is not getting away with this. Did you clean his accounts dry, Indigo? She said to me." I cleaned that fool out! It was at that point she put a hole between his eyes. We are by no means a charitable organization, but sex trade is something that we can not tolerate.

It was time to meet our visitor now. We made our way to the docks. This section of the docks were sealed off to permitted pilots only. Security was heavy, but nothing we couldn't handle. The courier registered her ship with flight control and headed towards the trade center. This is where we made our move. As she passed an alley between the docks and trade center, Acyd jumped her and drug her into the alley. I scanned her RFID tag and pilot's license. I altered the license to have Acyd Burn as the registered pilot of her ship. Sorry love, no witnesses." And with that she snapped her neck. We got what we came for. This is where we parted ways. Acyd headed to the courier ship and safely passed security clearing and began to head out of the station back to base. I headed the other way to our ship and returned to base as well.

Mission Completed. Cargo retrieved and courier eliminated.
End of transmission
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